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Date: April 29th 1917

My Own Darling Kitty,

I cannot tell you how pleased I was to receive your welcome letter & also the photo of my own little darling. I received your letter dated 16th when I was up the line & the one with the photo arrived last night while I'm in rest camp. Well my sweetheart I'm sure you'll think my letters are scarce lately, but I can't help it love as I write at every chance I get. We have been moving around so much lately & they don't collect mail at such times so that is no use writing at such times.

Gee! I sure was delighted to get that photo last night I think I've shown it to a dozen of my chums Today I can't seem to reallize the fact that my little darling is walking & trying to talk how I would love to see her toddling across the floor, but then I pray that time may soon come I seem to think it is not far ahead We made another advance here lately & by the look of the prisoners, Germany pretty hard up, they were mere boys & looked half starved, one of them could speak English & he said he'd only left Berlin 72 hours & that he was only in the line 48 hours when captured.

Yes! dearest I was in the big advance & there was many a brave fellow who gave his life. No I never said much to you about the weather here I seemed to have so much else to say & besides I didnt want to worry you any more than nessesary but It certainly has been fine here lately & I hope it continues as it helps us to make great progress. My word that sure is a real surprise about Vics & I hope everything turns out all right for them (but I have my doubts) Mother dear seems to be delighted & I'm sure Vic will if it comes off O.K. Now sweetheart for goodness sake don't worry about our business affairs, everythings O.K. for 6 months yet & who knows what might happen before then. We may both be back to look after them ourselves. I had a letter from V.A. Sinclair today in answer to the one I wrote & he says he'd be pleased to do anything he could for me. Yes! I see the Huns are sinking a lot of our hospital ships but didnt he always strike at the harmless & I notice we are getting his subs too. I also had a letter from Freddy & he told me about writing you but it was intended for Mother but through putting the wrong initial on it got to Mothers all right but she forwarded it to you thinking it was for you. Now while I think of it I wish you'ld send him 17/- for me which I borrowed from him just before leaving & intended to send him as soon as I got here but our pays are so small that I have not managed it & also invite him up to Scotland if he gets his leave. He always wanted to see Glasgow & he's a real good fellow & would so appreciate it, that is if you could manage it love, he's been a real pal to me ever since I enlisted. Now dearest I'll sure welcome that box as goodies are certainly scarce. I have never got mother dears parcel yet. I guess someone else to it, but much as I wanted it, some are bound to go astray when such a vast amount of mail is handled every day& where are chances of it turning up yet.

Well my love I have had such a time today, there was a draft came in this morning & mostly all 168th lads Percy Gaskell & one of the fellows from the pay office & they told us that the remainder of the 168th are one their way here & Abe Parker & Cyril Money & all the boys that were in the offices are being sent & Cyrils just a private now

A bunch from the 21st came over to see us today Jack Darrow & Norman Foreman & several others Gee! it sure was good to see them & a night or so I run into Alix Toogood up the line it sure was a surprise & here he's in charge of 15 Platoon the next one to ours. Oh & you remember "Babe" Portch my old chum, well he was with this draft if only Freddy comes now I'll be all right. The boys were telling me Jimmy Maher & Harold Kyte were wounded slightly but did not make England,

Oh no! I don't want a wound of any sort I've seen too many & no matter how slight its too much of a risk blood poisoning sets in too easy & one is too apt to loose a limb. All I want is a sound skin & a speedy return. Well my love I guess I'll close now as I want to write Freddy & Mother tonight. Give Mother, Dad Maggie & Sonny my best love & tell Sonny he looks real nice & so does his little cousin Margeret (bless her). Accept my fondest love to my darling & your own dear self.

I am ever
XXXXXYour own devoted hubby



P.S. Mother sent me a photo of Evie & shes sending one of Daddy & herself soon. Tons of love

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