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Date: February 12th 1917

675928 2nd Batt.
B.E.F. Canadians
(Monday) 12/2/17
My Own Darling Wifey,

I was so very please to receive both your letters a few minutes ago written on the 8th & 9th respectively, We expect to leave in the morning darling & I did so want a letter before I went. Now loved one I can't understand how it was you did not receive my letter thanking you for the 5 [?] P.O. last week, I am sure I thanked you & told you I received it safely. In fact if I hadn't got it I could not have bought your brooches & I thank you so much for this 5[?] P.O. as it will be very useful with me going to France. Now my own love I want to tell you I spent a happy birthday under the circumstance anyway I had lots of goodies to eat thanks to you my love, I could not heat the pudding but it was good anyway. But Oh! my love how I wish you had been with me I shall live in the future just because of your love & devotion for me darling, that with the Grace of God will bring me back to you my love, & anyway darling youll know that one heart & one soldier is fighting for his loved ones & that he's praying to be spared to return to the dearest possessions he has on this earth. Darling you'll be my thought night & day as long as there's breath in my body.

Now my darling I'm glad I'm going now before the big drive as my chances are better now than they'll be in the spring. I have an awfully nice chum too going with us. His name is Pat Murphy & needless to say he's Irish, a married man formerly of Toronto, he's a Catholic but an awful nice fellow. I'm giving him your address & Mother's & he's giving me his wife's & mothers so that if anything happens to one the other can write immediately, but of course we mustnt look for anything like this. I hope & pray I may never see the trenches.

Well my love I'm sorry you don't like your brooches as I understood they were what you wanted like I drew for you love, but never mind I'll try & get you another some day. I thought they were sweet. Yes! my love I remember my last birthday & the gingerbread & how I wish I could have it over again & will I ever forget the 4th of next month. Oh! my darling what a worried hubby I was then, how I prayed you would be spared to me & thank God, He spared both & here this year my love you'll be asking Him to spare me to you Kitty my love we have a lot to thank Him for today, I was talking to an English fellow, who went with his wife 7 years ago to Canada. When his first child was born it lived only a few hours & some years afterwards his wife gave birth to a second & died a few hours after child & all. So we should be thankful we with our little darling are both safe & well & as long as I keep that way love there's no need to worry.

Yes darling I am glad you did not send me anything to wear as the less I have the less I have to carry. A good box of goodies is my greatest delight.

How I would love to go to tea at "Beetles" with you my sweetheart. I do hope your cold will soon be well. I've had one for a long while, but we all have them & we don't take any notice of them. I had my hair clipped off all over tonight & I look like a nigger but it will be easily washed & kept clean You'll here from Drake all right lovey it takes quite a time to get a reply from Canada. Your first letter was sealed all right when I got it love, you must have did it quite unknowingly. How I would love to clean my little darlings shoes for her. Yes! dearest you told me you had a letter from P.Gothard, he certainly got his share poor fellow, I quite understand him thinking more of Annie, if he's anything like me. I find that I think more & love you more than ever, if I could possibly do such a thing. Didn't I tell you Freddy left me last week on Monday. I was certain I told you. He went to Crowborough to learn Tunnelling & from what I gather it's a dangerous game, you dig under our trenches right into the German trenches.

Now dearest you must write Mother often as she was so anxious to know if you were well & they're all longing for you to come back to them again. Mother says your such a dear & I say "you bet I know she is" & they all want to see our little darling too.

Well my sweet one I'll close now as I want to post it tonight. Give my bestest love to Mother, Daddy & Maggie & Sonny & Oh! my sweet one accept my devoted love & kisses to your dear self & my little darling. Goodnight & God Bless you & bring me safely back to you my own.

I am
Ever your own devoted hubby

ps I paraded to the captain today to try & get a 3 day pass, but he could do nothing for me

XXXX Goodnight sweet dreams XX

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