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Date: April 12th 1919
Murrill and Ella

[transcription provided by collection donor]

April 12th, 1919

My dear Murrill and Ella,

It seems ages since I've heard from or written to you and now, in a very short time, I hope to be with you. We are scheduled to leave France on April, 28th for England where we go through a period of quarantine; an 8 day leave, which I hope to spend in Scotland and a big 'march past' before the King; altogether, about a month.

We sail for Canada about June, 1st., and I'm having my discharge in Toronto with free transportation to Vancouver. Good for one month, where, I am finally demobilized. On my way out, I'll stop at Windsor, Ont. and run over to Detroit for a few days, say, about June, 10th.

Also want to stop at Winnipeg to see about my trunk and at Regina, where most of the boys from the Battery, are from. I figure that the trip from Vancouver to Barbadoes will take about 3 weeks, so might not see Herbert until I return to new York, after a damn good Holiday.

All our guns, equipment and horses have been handed in, so the boys have practically nothing to do. (of course, I never have anything to do as boss of the YMCA canteen)

We are having lovely weather and out door games are going full blast. Every day, I specialize in baseball…the Battery Pitcher…and playing every day from 2 to 7:30 pm, helps the appetite considerably, and believe me, we have the where-with-all to satisfy that appetite at our canteen mess. We have the swellest meals, three times a day, that any New York restaurant could put up, and still more lucky than that, it costs nothing.

We have a concert group of 30, staying with us, at present, putting on a show every night and they are certainly good. It all helps to pass the time away. All the boys are about fed up with this life and want to get back to their homes. Thank Heavens, we only have a few more days of it.

Took a trip to Paris for 3 days in February and was in Brussels for 3 days, a few weeks ago and decidedly, must go again with in the next week to say "Good bye" to my girl!! Say, boy, there's nothing like wearing the old uniform, if you want to pick the real Queens off.

I find it much easier to write a letter in war time. No exciting battles to relate at present so must wind up.

I'll wire you from Toronto. Lots of love for the kids and hoping to see you soon, when we can go over the whole works together in detail. (I'll feel like the latest edition of old news!)

Ever your affectionate brother,

PS send this on to Carl for me.