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Date: February 13th 1919

[transcription provided by collection donor]

Janche, Belgium
February 17th, 1919

My dear Carl,

Am writing this at the desk in my office!! This job is certainly a good reward for my hard toil during the past 3 years. Pretty "cushy". Rising at 8:30 or 9:00 AM, from a lovely bed between linen sheets and walking straight to a table with a well prepared breakfast, fit for a prince. Then after performing the usual toilet, indulge in a game of ball, or ride on horseback etc. The afternoon is spent in reading or writing or playing cards.

Of course, you quite understand, that, as the head of a business institution, I am open for business at all times, and am therefore kept moving in between the acts, attending conferences and arranging dances etc., in order that our stay here may be a pleasant one. (sort of Lloyd George, don't you know?). Note: British Prime Minister.

The weather is very mild at present. The Battery dance about two weeks ago was a great success and the Mademoiselles had a good time. But such a homely bunch!! And their graceful way of dancing, is even worse than that.

The latest rumours are, and I might as well tell you from good authority, that we leave Belgium on May 2nd for England, where we are given an 8 day leave and also have numerous inspections etc; then sail for Canada on June 15th.

It'll take me 8 days to cross the continent and after taking the boat from Vancouver to California, I'll have to spend at least a week in San Francisco and Los Angeles. And as I'll most likely, have to take a boat for some South American port, before finally setting sail for Barbadoes, I do not expect to reach the latter before the end of July.

I received long letters from Mamma and Ina yesterday. Norman is expected home about June, and it'll certainly surpass all dreams if we are there and return to New York together.

I'm sorry I have no exciting battles to describe now-a-days, consequently, the letters are unusually short. But, old cock, we'll fight 'em all over again when I get over the other side.

I'm sending you a book, "Canada's Triumph". Check it over…. Recommended by an eye witness. Give it to Herbert. And then please mail it to Barbadoes, as it is the only copy that I can buy.

Lots of Love for Mabel, Piggott and others. Haven't heard for a long time, from USA, so am eagerly looking forward. I hope, now that the war is over, your letters will still produce that broad smile, as of old, while I read them.

Bye Bye feeling in the best of form. (effect of good food)

Ever your affectionate brother,