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Date: September 5th 1918

Pte John H Robertson
1st Can Reserve
Seaford Sussex

Sept 5

Dear Brother

I was very pleased when your letter arrived today telling me about your trip to the Coast. I'll bet it was fine to be down among the trees again. How were Hector & Duncan they will be big boys now but they wont have anything on you for size. It's too bad about albert. He must be having a hard time of it. Did you stay at the ranch with uncle will. I guess they are still in the same shack yet. I used to think those bunks were hard to sleep in but they would feel like a feather bed now. I'm glad mother wasn't troubled much with her Asthma. She would enjoy the trip too.

I have had two or three letters From home this week one from Dad another from Hannah & yours. Hannah's was written from Worthfield. I hope dad got away from his work to come down too A rest would do him good. I also got a letter from Mildred. I'm going to answer it in a couple of days when I have time. I have been a couple of days writing this just a few lines at a time. Last night I was at a boxing tournament at the Gym here. It was good for the first 3 or four bouts. Then the referee's gave a pretty rotten decision and all the fellows got mad and boo ed them out & then left the building in disgust. The referees were two officers. I'll bet they were sore. They sure looked like it. I got a letter from Aunt [June?]** to day she is fine. Cousin Mary is still stuck in bed but she is recovering now. Shindy sent me some post Cards of scenes of Kamloops I sent them to Aunt [June?] and she thought they were fine. The wasn't any with our house in view so I couldnt point it out maybe I'll get one yet. Shindy often sends one when he hasn't time to write a letter. Last Tuesday I got another great surprise. I received parcel and again thought it was from home but I was [string stung?]. It was from Milly Smith at Kairn Scotland. It was a shoe box with cake, butter, jam, had boiled eggs and two apples. I sure was delighted and had a couple of good feeds. These scotch cousins of our are certainly all right. They have treated me like a Prince. I won't forget them for long while I can tell you. I'll have to write today or to morrow and thank her for her kindness. I have only received one of the parcels sent from home yet.

Well sonny I haven't much more news at present but will write again later I will close with best love to mother, Hannah Dad & yourself.

Your loving brother


I hope you can read this I'll bet you have a hard job but I guess you can figure it out amongst you.

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