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Date: August 4th 1916

Aug 4th 1916

Dear Ted,

Very pleased to receive your letter last night. I had been expecting one from some of you people at home. Two other letters came for me, one from Auntie & the other from Maud Jones so I had quite a read. Maud says that the 103rd have left Victoria, if that is right old Frank will be on his way to the Old Country by now. Maybe he is there already. Guess he will write as soon as he gets there. I sure wish the young begger had still been at home in civilian clothes but he would not have been satisfied if he had not come. You say at the top of your letter that venison is for dinner, I could go about 3 big plates full right now & then think about some more for breakfast. If I were you & I saw that dog of Cunninghams hunting deer I'd be tempted to give him a bad fill. If it were only the deer it killed it wouldn't matter but a dog hunting like that chases so many clean out of the country. Have you managed to get one yet? A deer, I mean. So Bobby Robinson joined up at last. I don't think he need worry about not getting to the front, as it is not a very healthy place at the best of time. I also (think) the war might be over soon but in the time he says he has lots of chances to get here. Maud mentioned about the Surprise party you all seem to have had a good time. Guess Frank is about right in the French wife business, most of the girls here are not what one might call an attractive type. They seem to be very hard worked. Hope Dad's luck is still in with the mowich. Am writing this in the trenches but won't post it until we go out. By the way, how is Miss What's-her-name, you did not mention her in your letter, Give my love & a kiss to all & believe me to be

Your loving brother

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