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Date: June 11th 1944


June 11/1944

Dearest Dad Mother Sis & Bro.

Well here I am again nothing must to say except that I am feeling just fine and sure hope you are all feeling the same. Well how's good old Canada doing is everybody busy as hell? Are there any boy's leaving home to join up lately? Well Dad how have you been keep I hope you are taking extra good care of yourself. That your side is all healed up by now. I got your letter that you sent to my last camp in Canada and sure enjoyed it and keep them coming and take good care of yourself. Hello Mother how are you hope you are fine. I got your letter you wrote and sure was pleased to see good old Mother's writing I could just see you writing it thanks Mum and keep them coming and I sure hope you are feeling fine. Be good to yourself I mean that Blanche thanks for your letter to and the same applies to you keep them coming, eh? See your Paul is moving around quite a bit, eh! I sure would of liked to been at that dance in the Odd Fellow's Hall but we all have a big job to do and can't always have pleasure but wait till we get back there will be a hell of a lot of hoping around ha ha. Lorraine and Emilda how have you two been doing? I guess still the same, eh! I hope you are being good girl's and sure hope you pass your exams and sure glad you got that job keep it for now as it is a good one. Well Geo old boy your sure look good on that maps they aren't I hope you are being a good boy or are you? Be good whatever you do. Carmelle how are you feeling are you a good girl if you'd better be. Many kisses to you at last our little Maxine the queen of them all thousands and millions of kisses to you dear and be a good little girl. Say hello to Duke for me and tell him to be good and leave Josaphine alone ha ha. Also many thanks for Tuck's letter I sure enjoyed reading them.

Well I have not been doing anything to talk of lately and if I did I could not tell you so no use telling about that, I know how to handle English Money now and can't be fooled so easily by the boy's. Say Hello to Grandmother and all Uncles and Ants for me please and also to Uncle Napoleon. Oh! Say there is a boy with me who knows Uncle Aleck in Toronto and Paul all those had a quite a nice chat with him. Carey that fellow you met in Wolseley is also with me and Strinnger from Grenfell so we have quite a time together. I have not received any parcels of any kind but sure hope to soon I guess this moving around has a lot to do with it not being here but they'll come sooner or later. Has Denise been home since that last rain storm you had? Poor kid I guess itkind of spoiled her holiday but she's lucky to be able to get home at all Ho! Did you get my bond yet? Let me know and about the money you will get it at the end of July. I'm sorry about that but me moving around kind of mixed things up a bit but I made sure I was alone yes today I hope you'll not mind to much but it couldn't be helped a bit so that's that. Well I'm getting pretty low on paper so I'll have to quite pretty soon. I sure hope you are all well and wish you the very best of health and also the best of luck and may God bless you all and keep you safe. Mother you can sell some of my clothes as they will be to small when I go back and as form my black suite I give it to you Mother or to Blanche as I have grown and will be to big for it. There's no use letting it sit. Well I guess this is about all I have to say for now am in hopes of hearing from you all son. Oh! Say send some of these airmail papers as they are hard to get here, please do this for me. Well May God bless you and keep you all in good health as every.

Your Son & Bro & Buck

Cheerio old Chap

Pte J.L. Dureault L106508 # I.CI.A.V. C.A.O.