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Date: March 25th 1916


March 25, 1916


Big Crowd Gathered at Station to Bid Local Unit Farewell
With the departure of the 8th Field Ambulance depot went the best wishes of Brigadier-General Cruikshank, staff officers, Mayor Costello, and a big crowd of Calgarians, who had assembled at the station to wish Lieut.-Col. Hewetson's men God speed in their mission of mercy on the battlefield.

The entraining was carried out with military precision, the special leaving punctually on time. Everything was just like clockwork and amply demonstrated the efficiency in this respect of the organization of military district No. 13.

The 8th F.A.D. are a remarkably clean cut set of men and admirably well calculated to undertake their onerous and difficult duties at the firing line. As already mentioned in the Herald they are the first medical corps to leave the west as a complete detail. Its total strength consists of nine officers and quartermaster and 248 non-coms. and men. Already 56 of the latter are awaiting the arrival of the main body with Major [?] at an "unknown destination."

Colonel Hewetson and Captain R.D Sanson left with the special, Major F.H. Mayhood having preceded them a couple of days previously in order to visit some friends in the east.

Rousing Send-Off

The men received a most rousing send-off. When the train slowly moved out of the station the hand of the 82nd struck up the national anthem, the military officers present standing at salute, while [?] crowd and the khaki men in the [?] [?] a salvo of cheers. These were repeated again and again until the special had rounded the corner and was lost to sight.

"You can say," said General Cruikshang in reply to a query by The Herald, "that I am very much pleased with the appearance of the 8th Field Ambulance depot; the men are certainly very smart, very orderly, and absolutely sober. The entraining has been done in a very regular and satisfactory manner; the departure has consequently been on time, not a minute too early or too late."

On the platform with the general were Lieut.-Col. E.G. May, Major Aitken, Major Hogbin, Major McGregor, Major De Kam, Captain Sutberland, and Lieut. George Bain, of the headquarters' staff, Lieut.-Col. Nasmyth, commanding officer of the 89th, Lieut.-Col. Lowry, commanding officer of the 82nd, and others. There were also a number of prominent citizens including Mayor Costello.

Would Worthily Maintain

Mayor Costello, in the course of a brief chat with The Herald, on the departure, remarked that he felt sure that the citizens of Calgary would follow with a great deal of interest the career of the 8th F.A.D. That they would worthily maintain the reputation of those who had already left the city he was assured. Calgary was honored at having the first complete ambulance corps in the west to leave on active service. His worship expressed much satisfaction at the general appearance of the men.

In marching from the headquarters on Seventh avenue cast the line of route to the station was densely packed by citizens, while at the departing platform, although everything was carried out so orderly, the scene was most animated. The bands of the 82nd and 89th played troops off. The special was gaily decorated with the Union Jack supplied by "Cappy" Smart's department.

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