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Date: March 1st 1917



March 1, 1917

Budsie Darling

I am much happier today than I have been for two or three weeks. Because Darling, I received two letters from you last night. I'm sure Dear that some of your letters must have gone astray. The last letter I received from you was dated January 7th, and the two I received last night were dated 31st January and 6th Feb. Now I'm sure you would not let 23 days go by without ever thinking of your boy! Do you know girlie I have had a letter written to you that I have carried in my pocket for four days. I wouldn't post it until the Canadian mail came in again to see if I would get a letter then. Dearie, it was exactly one month between letters - so you can imagine how mad I was! But I am ever so glad Dear that I didn't send it, because your letters were so sweet, and when you are in so happy a mood I would rather wait 6 months for a letter than do anything to spoil your happiness or peace of mind.

And so you saw the Smith's again. I often wondered where he was and have spoken to Harry about him several times. I guess he has a pretty good job now. How did you know they were in Regina? And what is Cowlit doing in the States? Getting a Divorce? And did you go up to Delmas with Douglas, or did your father take him from Saskatoon? Yes, I heard from the Frasers about Jean having a baby.

Say, did you know that Eddie Collie is back in Meota again? There now, see all the news I can tell you - from the Optimist. Yes Dear, I get the Optimist once in a while. I have only had two since you wrote and said you had subscribed to it for me. Two in a month, and I didn't get your parcel or the Cosmopolitan yet, but they may come in the mail now. Thanks so much Dearie, it was very thoughtful and kind of you.

Oh, say Dearie! That parcel I sent you with all the bullets etc. I enclosed a list with it describing everything - by what nation the bullets were used etc. The "thing" with the feathers in it" is a dart that Fritz drops from his aeroplane. I picked it up on the battlefield where the French captured an important position. It had likely been lying on the ground for several months and a lot of feathers were broken off. It's so heavy it would come down swift as a shot, and if dropped into a crowd would be sure to hit somebody.

Harry and I had a great laugh over your remark about the paper knife - that "you must get a desk to go with it!" That's just the kind of thing you would say you old Darling. I've quit making souvenirs now on account of spending so much time on music. Lately, I have been playing the piano for a concert party in a nearby village. It has taken up all my evenings. Last night I sent away for a bunch of songs and jokes for a minstrel troupe. I am going to try and get it in shape before we go up the line again. I am taking a concert party down to the same Field Ambulance unit as Arch Fraser is in tonight to give a concert to the patients in the hospital. Their Padre was up last night and asked if I could get a party together.

And so Ross has enlisted now. Well, I wish him luck, but don't worry because I don't think he'll ever see France. But I'm afraid Heck may be here anytime now. I wrote and told him to spend a week with my people (in Newmarket) and I also wrote Mother telling her to expect him, and I guess the girls will meet him at the station. Hope he makes the grade. When he gets to France, I'm going to try hard to get him transferred to this unit.

Say Pringle! I'm very glad that you have decided to stay in Sakatoon at Ross's house. Yes Dear, I'm perfectly satisfied that you will be quite alright there, and this is what I would advise you to do. Go to Saskatoon Normal School and see the Principal and tell him that as your husband is away, and as your brother has just enlisted, you would like to get some young girl that is attending Normal School to board with you for the company. If you do that you will be sure to get some nice girl that will be a good companion for you. I wouldn't on any account advertise, nor get any old shop girl. I would much rather you live alone than make a mistake in your choice of a companion. Everything here is looking so much brighter that I don't suppose that it will be for so very very long Darling.

Oh, are you REALLY going to have another photograph taken for me? You're a Darling, and just for that I'm going to send you another $30. And Dear, I am sending an extra $20 for you to send back to Mother. I believe Dear that they are up against it just now on account of the racing being stopped all winter. If you have $20. In the bank from the last $50 send it on Dear right away, and then when you receive the next $50 you can keep it all. Bank it or spend it as you see fit - I remitted it last night. I tried to send it direct, but you are not allowed to send any money to any person except those actually dependent on you. Will you do that Dear? Get a money order for $20 and send it registered as soon as you get this letter - if you have it to spare. If not, then wait until you receive the next $50.

I note in your last letter, you laughingly refer to the "French Janes". People back home cannot imagine the circumstances under which we live. We are always only a few miles from the line and mostly all the civilian population are further back. The only girls one sees up this far are dirty looking brats 8 to 14 years old that hang around the camps peddling candies, cakes etc. there are girls of a kind in all the Estaminets, but I don't spend any of my time in those, altho I will take all the rum ration I can get.

I have not yet started hungering for booze the way some of our boys do, and don't think I ever will. No, taking it all 'round, the class of girls that I have seen in this country so far, I feel sorry for. They are without a doubt the homeliest and most ungainly looking mob you ever laid eyes on. A pretty face to look at now would do a fellow a more good than a week's rest. By the way, I was all tickled with a remark one of the boys made last night when we were being paid. I have pasted your photograph right in front of my Pay Book, and when I took it out for my pay I showed the picture to some boys. One of the fellows remarked that it was plain to see that Moody had a great eye for beauty! So it's evident that you ARE pretty!

Well my little darling, I must cut this letter short now as I have to make up a program for the concert.

As ever, love,
