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Date: June 29th 1918


South of Arras

June 29, 1918

Budsie Dear:

Although you let a week slip by without writing, I can fully forgive you for the dandy snaps you sent. I was ever so pleased with them girlie. Isn't wee Bobs getting to be a big boy. Lord! He will be as big as his Dad if I don't soon get home. And you are looking to sweet foe words Dearie. The boys that I have showed the picture to all say what a peach of a looking girl you are. And really Hon. I am so wonderfully proud of you when anybody pays you a compliment; it always makes me feel as though it had been paid to myself.

You're some little tailoress too Budsie. Bob's clothes look awfully cute. You must feel jolly proud of yourself, turning the wee chap out so smartly.

Well, you will notice that I too have missed a week in writing, but my excuse is good, and an honest one. Our ambulance base covered more miles in the last two weeks than they have since we have been in France. We have had three, or four moves in the last two weeks, but apart from that, we have been running day and night, hauling Spanish Flu patients. I guess you have read in the papers about the influenza plague. Well, we are certainly getting our share of it in France now. Harry has been in the Hospital for the last two or three days, but he is OK again. Now, it's nothing really serious, but by gosh, a man is almighty sick for a couple of days. I think Fritz's army is also suffering from the plague from the reports of the prisoners taken lately. In fact, it is rumoured that that was the reason their offensive was given up. The Italians have certainly given "Hienie" an awful licking lately haven't they? That will certainly take the heart out of Austria.

Well Hon, we are back in the line again after the longest rest our division has had since we have been in France. We all have to break ourselves in again, but we are on a very quiet front, so unless something starts up, we shall have a very "cushy" time. In the last 13 days, our old bus has travelled just over 1300 miles! Most of the rips have been short ones, but numerous. And the n, we have made quite a long move. About four night in succession we were out until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning making a bivouac. We have been sleeping in our cars for a long time, but we don't like to take chances now that we are hauling so many flu patients. I think that is how Harry caught it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I couln't finish this letter last night Hon, so will take another whack at it tonight. I'm afraid Girlie you will think I'm a very selfish boy because I don't want to send the picture of Bobs back to you. I like it ever so much. He looks so very cute with his little gloves and rain coat. I'll send it to Mother and ask her to return it. You can have another one taken and send her one can't you Dear? In every letter I get form Mother she asks what she has done to offend you.

I am enclosing her inquiry in her last letter. Please write to her Buds, there's a darling. You were either wandering in your bean, or you tried to slip one over on me in your last letter. You dated it the 18th of June, and posted it on the 3rd of June. Harry said You must tell Fongie (I've almost forgotten your old nickname) that the postal service in Canada is always three weeks behind the times! Say, you're a prune! Out of the six snaps you sent me only two were of yourself Dear. Surely Tommie will take some of you - I want YOUR picture, not hers! Is she not staying in Meota with Cephias. You certainly take peachy pictures with your camera - they are all so wonderfully clear.

Well, have you decided when you are going to B.C.? No, I'm afraid there is slim chance of my ever getting back to you Darling, until this damn war finishes up. How I would love to be with you again. But I couldn't bear to come home for for a couple of months and then have to leave you again. I would much rather wait until I can have you again for "Keeps".

Poor old Harry. If there's ever any sickness going around, it always seems to attach itself to him. His chances of returning to Canada seem pretty slim now. He has not heard anymore.

Buds, why don't you write a little letter to me from Bubs. You have never even mentioned whether he has received any of the little notes I have enclosed in your letters. You can ask him what he wants to say and write it for him. Don't suggest anything - just see what he would say on his own accord. Where did he get the wee tricycle? Can he ride it alright? I suppose I must ask again for the photograph of you that has been promised since June of 1917. It's only a year coming so far. Don't make me wait any longer. You look so awfully nice in your coat and hat Buds. I wanted a picture of you in your outdoor clothing ever so much. I'll bet I've had those pictures of you out a dozen times already. I know every feature of them.

Dominion Day tomorrow and the Canadian Corps sports are on. I don't suppose we shall see anything of them as they are quite a piece behind the lines.

Well old sweetheart, I must say Au Revoir. If you miss one week in writing Dear. Make the next letter twice as long. I love to get your letters so much. Have you noticed any of my letters missing? I still number them. All my love to you precious girl, and a big kiss. Love too to Bobs.

Ever your own
