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Date: March 28th 1945

30 Cdn Air Survey Liaison Sec, RCE

Cdn Army England,

28 March 45

Dear Jean:

Wednesday again, but this time the mail from you is the slowest for a long time. Anyway will wait no longer, and get this off with tomorrow's mail.

Big things have been happening on the continent since my last letter, and it looks as tho the war has entered its final phase there for sure. Was right in my estimate of last Dec that the final break through in the West would come close to the end of March. However this time I didn't take any money from the boys, as we had no bets. I doubt if there will be any sort of a formal surrender, by the Germans. The armies on the West and the East will gradually meet somewhere in the middle, cleaning up odd islands of resistance enroute, or after. As you may have guessed, I had been working all the angles I could to get my unit out to the east for a tour of duty in a theatre where they are well qualified to do some good stuff. However it now seems that I've been blocked on all the leads, some of which were quite promising. Anyway it has strung on so long, that I'm not so sure it isn't too late we should have been out there 4 or 5 months ago. However it looks as tho a change may come for me, one of which, if it comes through OK will be to go on an extended trip as an individual observer to study our specialty in the active theatres as far as Australia, the main hopes would be by air, and the trip would take 3 or 4 months. Not sure whether by the end of it, if instructions might be to proceed to N America instead of coming all the way back to the UK. That is pure conjecture. It would be the chance of a lifetime, so wonderful in fact that I am not indulging in any thrills of anticipation. If this goes through, I doubt if it will delay my return to Victoria, because if we stay here, it will be months after the German war is over before the bulk of Cdns in this region would likely get started on the trip home. The demands on shipping will be colossal, when you realize that all the US troops will be returning to the States too. Say nothing about these possibilities to anyone, but I feel it is not a breach of security to tell you in general terms what might be my programme for the next 4 or 5 months. If the trip is approved, will be given the acting rank of lieut col. but am not too sure if it would mean any more pay, as my staff pay now total the same as for a lieut-col without staff pay. At anyrate I should not quibble about pay, if they give me a break of that kind. Am sure I could make a better job of the trip than any other Cdn survey officer, because I have had a more versatile experience, and am personally acquainted with quite a number of the British and American officers whome I should visit. If this comes to pass, the question of mail will be a tough one, I shall be able to get letters and cables out to you pretty frequently, but getting yours will be the problem, however we can figure that one out when there is good reason to do it. If the trip goes through, and I were sure of returning via the UK, getting back here say about August, it would be a wonderful thing to find you and Mary just nicely acclimatized by a sojourn at Shoelands. You would fit in at the Morrises perfectly, as they have oodles of room, and it would be a break for them to have you there to keep them company, help a bit with the chores, mind the old lady when Ecila wanted to get away for a few days etc. I surely want you to see this old country, the parts which you would enjoy most have not been much damaged by war, is the countryside, and it would be all the more interesting for yout o see the damaged parts before they are tidied up too much. Think in any case, if I am to be delayed here till next fall, we should try to get you and Mary over, as soon as the submarine danger is over. Have always felt you would love a trip here and feel that now is the time you need a break. Will be interested in your reactions. We could get around a lot together, and visit all my friends, and see many things together that I have not had a chance or time to see myself. Will let you know as soon as I can if anything definite comes though.

We have had some perfect weather, last week, but it seems to have gone back to normal again, but the rain will do all the gardens a lot of good. Biked over to Tyrellswood Sat, and worked on the wood, stayed to supper, and rode home in the moonlight.

As you can imagine, have been plugging away, trying to clean up several important loose ends. Have had some very valuable results from the work during the last few months, and it should be written up while it is fresh, and so that others can benefit from it. I guess fame is not a very good substitute for riches, but I don't see any of the latter on the horizon for the Jean-Gerry-Mary family. Talking about money, I probably should keep a bit bigger balance here until I know what the score is, so may let this months pay, and next months accumulate, this will not affect your usual allowances or the assigned pay, but I wont sent you any extra for a while.

No word from Bill, or about him. If he is coming back, he should be on his way soon.

Well dear, keep your fingers crossed. Hope you are both OK there.



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