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Date: March 9th 1942

No. 104

Capt. G.S. Andrews. RCE

Survey Directorate

H.Q. Cdn Corps -

Cdn Army O'Seas.

9 March 42.

Dear Jean:

Yesterday was a long and busy one. Had to get a report finished by 11am and then was out on the road. Had lunch with Capt., & Mrs. Sam Gamble, of the Svy Coy - I have spoken of them before - Their little girl is just over a year old now and a dear little thing. In the p.m. we went to Basingstoke - and they dropped me at Dorking at 7 p.m. I walked up the hill to Haywards - and was just in time for supper - They always make me so welcome - caught the train at Dorking at 9 p.m. and got back from about 11 and went to bed. Saturday night we had a dance in the mess, and didn't get much sleep. Col. Meuser is on leave this week - so I am running the office myself - and that makes me a little busier than ordinarily -

My lecture at the RGS took place as scheduled a week ago - I was not very pleased with it - although they were kind, and said it was interesting - However it was just one of those occasions where I didn't seem to get warmed up - Them too, as usual, I tried to tell them too much in too short a time - Anyway I hope the written article, as published in the Journal will make up to some extent for the poor address. The dinner afterwards was quite interesting, Mr. McAdam, the B.C. Agent-General in London and myself were the only outsiders present - and sat on the Presidents right & left respectively. The President is Sir George Clarke, and another very interesting member was Sir John Russell, head of the British Experimental Station. The convention at Dinner was much more interesting than at the meeting.
As luck would have it, Jack Benton was in London on leave - and I had arranged to meet him for lunch - he came to the meeting - and came back with me to the mess here next day and stayed a couple of nights before going on to visit relatives up North. We had a great visit and I was able to show him all the angles of the work here which I have been busy with for over a year now. It would be great if he could get into the air survey work in the RCAF end - then we might get more done, as nobody in the RCAF seems to have our viewpoint yet.

Monday p.m. I sent my cable to you and got your reply on Friday - and it is such a relief to know that you are not selling the home. Thanks for your reply - it certainly saves a bit of worry to cable when you want quick advice or information. Last week brought some mail too - yours of 25 Jan and 1 Feb, and your airgraph of the 17 Feb. Gertrudes airgraph of 3 Feb came some time ago too. It is great to get your letters - they are the best thing there is to me over here - am glad Mary is over from her flu - how is her memory?

Sorry to hear about your heating problems - looks as though so many more people living in Victoria now are making too much of a drain on the Sawdust supplies - at any rate - the weather will be getting warmer soon - however you will be wise to get larger storage bins put in early and start building up a reserve supply of fuel for next winter. As regards the doors & windows - I guess a new house is bound to have little faults - and adjustments - nothing is perfect I guess - It would be wise to have the doors & windows attended to as soon as possible too. Glad you got the dinner mats - I often look at things in the stores 0 but rarely see anything that is really worth sending home - sorry too that I haven't got anything for Garmans - someday I'll see just what is right and will send it.

The past week has been a busy one - getting back into harness - with several pressing jobs to attend to. I like it tho - I feel 100%. The evenings are getting longer too - and there will be more chance to get out doors.

Am going to try to get some letters written this week - and still have some grooming to do on my paper for publishing in the Geographical Journal.

Well dear - by by for now. News still bad - but it will be better.

All my love


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