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Date: March 5th 1941

Lieut. G.S. Andrews, R.C.E.

"I" Branch,

Canadian Corps H.Q.

C.A.S.F. Base P.O. Canada

England, 5 March 1941

Dearest Jean:

Back again after my week's leave, and trying to get settled down into the routine again. Have been pretty busy since getting back. Changed my billet and am now back with the Morris'es - They certainly are swell. Yesterday I had to go up to the Survey Coy on business which took all afternoon, so they made me stay for supper and the evening. Robinson had gone away on a month's course, He has been made a major and will be official O.C. of the company when he comes back - Am certainly glad that I am out of it. Trorey, who took my place there says he is going to try to arrange a transfer, as he reacts the same way as I did. However, c'est la guerre.

On my leave I went up to South Wales, where Bill is located, stayed at a small country inn for two nights - and then Bill got permission to take Friday Sat & Sunday off - so we went down to London as it may be his only chance to see the great city. Bill is a grand fellow - He has matured since I last saw him over 6 years ago, in some ways he seems older than I. He is a hard worker and with a quiet manner, he has a very likable personality - I am sure he will do very well on his new work, and in fact I believe it will develop into something permanent after the war. You would like Bill very much, In many ways he reminds me of Nora - a fine sense of humour and comes out with the odd witty remark. With him are four other chaps, three of whom are from B.C. One is Ernest Bakewell, who was C.C.F. member of the BC legislature, from Seachelt, up the coast. All very fine chaps.

Bill got a big thrill out of London, and as our tastes seem to be somewhat similar he seemed to enjoy seeing the things which I think are the highlights. Didn't see much in the way of night-life because there isn't any - all the shows close up early - anyway we were so fogged out by dinner time we were quite content to stay at the club and listen to some good music.
At the company yesterday I got some mail, your letter of 26 January - which I enjoyed thoroughly - your descriptions & accounts of dear little Mary Elizabeth are so nice - and they go a long way to make up for separation - You never say much about yourself but your letters are so characteristic of you that its like having a sample of you! There is another mail in recently but its distribution hasn't reached me yet. When letters begin to come through addressed to H.Q. Canadian Corps - it will speed up deliveries by several days or a week. A package of cigarettes from the Forest Branch - very welcome too, as I was just out, and beginning to buy English ones. My supply of Dixie Plug tobaccos is pretty low too, but there may be a parcel from you on the way. A lot of society papers & a Forestry Chronicle sent on by you arrived too. I think I mentioned that they are now sending copies both to me here & to my home address so that any that come out there from now on can be put away for me.

The house seems to be taking shape, and by this time will be still further along. Ii love to hear of all the details as they develop, and I think we are going to have a fine snug little home. If there is anything you can think of that I might get here, let me know, and I'll see what can be done. Am looking forward to seeing the plans. Glad you got the loan papers safely. I plan to send you any money I can save here, because it will all help in the long run, and except for my leave, every 3 months there isn't much to spend it on. Am expecting a small raise in pay, but goodness knows when it will come through - Next time I get a chance to go up to Beybridge I will order two more photos - I have lost track of photographers name card address. Was amused at the fate of the one to Swannell's - I can just picture Frank probing down behind the book case - trying to find the "blinking thing"
You didn't mention anything about your job - If you should be leaving the dept. lands, I think you had better not try to find another job until you get nicely settled in the house - really it would be a good idea to forget about a job till next fall - then you can have a real good rest during the summer, and have more time to enjoy your family if they can be persuaded to come up to see you - Sunday Chris should be able to make a trip up with his family this summer.

Well dear - I'll be writing again in a few days - and get back on my regular Sunday schedule - Heaps of love to you both -

As ever -


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