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Date: June 21st 1942

Dear Jean:

The weather has warmed up again, the last couple of days have been lovely. No mail this week, except two carbons of your airgraphs of 10 and 24 May. Oh yes, a parcel from you came last Monday. It had Dixie Plug, Nestles coffee, and klim, all very welcome. It had been posted on the 10 May. Perhaps an airgraph will come this week.

Nothing very interesting has happened during the week, On Thursday night Col Meuser and I were invited to a mess dinner at the Survey coy. It was to celebrate the promotion of two of their officers to captains, one of whome was Lyle Trorey. He certainly merits it, and I think was or is quite pleased about it. A bit of promotion bucks up one's morale a lot, Last night, our mess here had a small party, Bert Hammond and Ecila came, after I had been up to Morris for supper, two lovely boiled eggs, and delicious salad. Bert had to go home early, as he had to start off early this morning on a trip, so I took Ecila home, in her car, and walked back, the party as still going strong when I returned, but it was late, so I sneaked off to bed. Itw as a nice warm evening, and this mess is fine for a small party, because our lounge and dining room open out onto a terrace and on to a lovely garden, which falls down gently to a small river at the bottom. Our guests were able to sit outside on the terrace, and most of them had a walk down through the garden to look at the flowers. It is always interesting to see what kind of lady friends the officers bring to a party. The selection last night was quite good. Col Meuser had his wife along too, she is very nice. They all were very complimentary about the refreshments, which were really very good. Through a tip from Ecila, we were able to get some Chase and Banbourne coffee, from her grocers, and this went over in a big way. Catering is quite a problem and we are becoming appreciative for things which at home would seem quite plain, I guess. One thing good about rationing, it does make everybody appreciate the merits of good plain food. Our orchestra was an electric gramophone, rented for the evening, but it was OK, and much less bother and expense than a band or orchestra, who always have to be not only paid, but fed and watered (with beer). I was responsible for the liquor and there seemed to be enough for everybody, with a bit to spare. This too is very hard to get, and personally, I don't think it is worth the bother and expense. I'm one of the lucky people who be quite happy without it.
Axel Kinnear came up for lunch today, he wanted some dope on air photographs, so I suggested he come up today and have lunch. Things are looking a little better for Axel, and he is much encouraged. I suppose you see his girl friend, Judy, if you do, tell her that she is lucky to have a fellow like Axel, he is true blue right to the core. Soldiering certainly does show up a man for what he is, and Axel measures up 100%. He thinks the world of her. He went back about 4 so I got an early supper, and went out for a nice long bike ride, and have just come in.

We all feel pretty badly about the licking Rommel has given our forces in Lybia. We learn the hard way. The thing which annoys me is the way the thing has been served out to us in the press, the news of the campaign has been taffied up with a smear of false optimism right up till the last, which of course indicates that it has been almost a route. We've heard a lot about wishful thinking, the press has certainly had a good wallow in it. Coming right after the orgy of sloppy sentimentality broadcast a week ago today, about the united nations. I thought that was frightfully bad taste. The dispensers of publicity, including the press seem to think the public are fools. Actually they are not so dumb, and would react better to plain facts, and less eyewash. Well we aren't licked yet.



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