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Date: July 13th 1942

No. 122

Dear Jean:

I'm a day late on this letter. Col Meuser went on leave Sat and I was busy all Sunday morning, and in the afternoon I caught a train to meet Dick Farrow in a town about 25 miles away, we saw a bus show had a dinner at the local inn, Dick's treat, a few drinks and back on the train. Didn't get home till late, and it so happened there was a young naval lieutenant from Winnipeg visiting one of the officers in the mess, so we talked and drank Guinness' stout till after midnight. The naval chap knows some of my Wpg cousins quite well. Today was busy all morning, and in the afternoon had to go up to London on business, including the final review of my article at the RGS, which took till after 7, had a snack at the BC House canteen near Picadilly, and caught the train down here, too late for supper. Have just brewed a cup of your coffee and finished up the last of the Dad's cookies, after a good hot shower to wash away the grime of London. Now I feel just a little tired, clean, refreshed, and am sitting with just my dressing gown on, and in a good mood to have a chat with my best girl. A day, or even half a day in London is a bit tiring, especially when you have to go a lot of places by tube.

They have made quite a decent job of my article, the proofs are in shape, and the blocks for the illustrations are better than I expected. Mr Hinks is back, after two months illness, and while he looks just a little thinner, and not too strong yet, I think he will be better than before his operation. He always makes after you and Mary. A wonderful old man. I really do hope he can come to Victoria after the war and meet you. I am ordering 100 reprints of my article, and the Agent-general for BC is ordering 100. So you will see a copy by and by, I hope.

A week ago today an airgraph from Gert came, from Ft William, and it was great to hear from her. She didn't have room to say much about her wedding, they are expecting to move to Winnipeg soon. I've forgotten the rank of her husband, but will write them anyway. She was very pleased with the things you got for them. One of the officers in our mess, a fine young chap, knew Gert at college in Wpg, and was quite thrilled to know that she was my sister. The same day a parcel of tobacco coffee and klim came from my wife. She's a brick. The carbon of yours of 7 June arrived on Tuesday, and on Thursday your first air letter of 30 June arrived, that is on the ninth day after posting. The air letters are OK, you get a little more on than the airgraphs, and they are easier to read. The news of Mary is splendid. She must be a darling child. I saw a little girl in the train tonight, just about Mary's age, a sweet little child, and of course it always makes me long to see you both. You seem to have made some congenial acquaintances during the past couple of years. Am glad you have, and it will be nice meeting them later on. I don't think Victoria would be quite right without Miss Fidlar somewhere in the vicinity. If coffee is scarce, the prepared cocoa packages like you sent once before are very good. I haven't lost the lighter yet, and it is working fine. If you do send another, will keep it as a reserve.

As you see, I have been made an Acting Major, if I am a good boy and keep my present job for a few months, it may be confirmed as a permanent rank, for the duration. It came out in orders last week, Friday, and I wasn't expecting it so soon, so it was a couple of days before I could get the right kind of "engineer" crowns, so have been using the odd spare moment to cut off all the pips from my battle dress, and sew on the crowns. My official title now is D.A.D. Svy which means "Deputy Assistant Director of Survey" for the First Cdn Army. Col. Meuser is the A.D. Svy. It was dated from 1 May, so you will get an increased separation allowance from that date. I think it is an extra $5 per month. There was some kind of mix up in my pay last month, which I haven't had time to straighten out yet, anyway I get about 25¢ per day more here. I didn't get nearly as much kick out of this promotion as I did when made a captain. I think a captain is a nice rank, it kind of distinguishes you from the common run, and yet you are still one of the boys. A major is supposed to be just a bit more dignified. However, I'll try to live it down, and hope I will be able to justify the promotion.

Hope Mary is not affended at having her picture cards enclosed with your letter. It saves that much paper, and shipping, true, it isn't much, but every ounce counts. Perhaps you can explain it is some way that her little mind can accept it as OK. Don't know what I seem to have exhausted the market, however its fun sending them and I may be able to discover a new batch. Guess they will have to stop the war when the supply of cards runs out.

Things seem to be pretty serious in Russia just now. Wouldn't be surprised if Japan takes a whack at her too, seen. I sure wish the United Nations were in a position to start an offensive in the West right now. It seems tragic that we have been about 6 months behind schedule all along the line. It is a bit discouraging at times not so much about the final outcome, but the road to Victory seems to stretch out longer and longer. True, things looked pretty black in spring of 1918, just before we started to really swing the thing our way, in a big way, so we must keep faith, and hope.

Am glad things are working out so nicely at the Garmans. I do think though, that if our tenants can be persuaded to let you have our house this fall, you should move back in if you possibly can. A contract is a contract, and we must stand by our work, but if there is any chance of getting the house back for the fall and winter I think you should take advantage of it.

Well dear, its late, now, and I think that's everything I meant to say. Sometimes I think of something afterwards that I meant to include. Will probably take a leave toward the end of this month, if nothing unforeseen interferes.



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