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Date: October 22nd 1941

(Can) R74906
Sgt Pilot Davey J.V.
#53 O.T.U., R.A.F.
Oct 22/41

Dear Mother, Dad & Art:

Well folks, I have just received your 6th (marked) letter along with one from Con and I must say I have been looking forward to getting them, as you say about the mail going down, I still am sure there is mail somewhere altho' I imagine all your mail addressed to the same place & therefore if other mail was there it would have been forwarded, unless it has gone to the first station I went to here & they haven't forwarded it. and now I am due to leave here this coming Tues and will be posted to an operational Sqdn. somewhere.

Now some more news, last week end we had a short notice 48 hr pass given us, so I went and saw Auntie Ede & Uncle Harry just spent from Sat around 2:30 till Sun nite 7:30, there wasn't any time to see any body else and was quite happy & very pleased to spend it with them. really had a quiet lovely time, all talking. they are both looking fine, Uncle Harry is quite a bit thinner, but he does a lot of cycling every day and really works hard. I had pictured them both looking as they did when we were over last, cause you and dad have never seemed to change much in appearance. well I must say Uncle looks quite a bit like Dad, and wears similar type of glasses, and Auntie seems quite tiny, it was really great, they had a bed already waiting and being able to sit in a lovely big chair infront of a nice glowing coal fire was really swell, in fact I hated like heck having to leave. I must say I really am beg appreciating home and you folks more than I ever did before, it doesn't take much to make a guy wake up to the fact how and what a home means and having two great people for a mother & Dad., - well it sounds as if I'm homesick, but am not that, but I sure wish we could get this business over and then go home and lead a quiete normal life.

I am glad to hear you received the cable gram and as I said before I will be sending them quite often, alternately to you and Con. she received hers around the 25th I believe and she was thrilled at getting it, It is one way of letting you know every thing is O.K. in short notice. Con mentioned about her Dad getting a letter which wasn't censored & the one she got about the same time was half there she thought it quite a gyp. it looks as tho' you also had a mashed up letter according to Mom. Well I guess at that stage of the game I was rather green as to the extent of what one could say when even now I could write pages on things which have happened but no go, just a waste of time and it must bore the poor sensors, having to black out half a letter all the time, but every thing is fine so far. and hope it shall continue altho' I did have a mishap two weeks ago. engine failure on take-off but was at 1000' and managed to bring it in an airfield under construction, without wheels, I got out O.K. but did damage the plane quite a bit as it was a light squeeze to get in to miss men at work and avoid telephone poles & wires, dont worry as every thing is O.K. and no one hurt.

And now I am pleased to hear you are still getting there Mom and dont do too much work, I know you wont. I guess it would make quite a difference to Waudes house having the grounds fined up, Ken's house I imagine will be a nice looking place when finished & I can imagine he will have his garden fined up nice as time goes on, he was quite interested in gardening & with his own home, he'll be more interested, please say hello to him for me when you see him.

Thanks for the cuttings again, Vern Woodward seems to be doing great a F/2 and D.F.C. well he sure deserves to get out for awhile and have a quieter life. I'm glad to hear Pete Palin got a commission, he'll make a good officer, a nice looking one, I guess he'll be over here someday soon with the other boys, Jack Hudson, Jerry White and Ray Walls should be too, boy they sure have got the old training scheme working in Canada now.

As for Xmas gifts, Dad, I can't say what I would like, but can assure you whatever you send will be greatly appreciated and welcome, as far as getting parcels to you its a matter of what to get as we can't buy any thing much so I hope whatever it is it will be O.K.

Now I'll sign off again with all my love & love from Auntie Ede & Uncle Harry so till next letter I'll say bye for now.

Your loving son

P/S. Tell Art to write once in awhile, I'd like to get letters from him, and giving me some gen of whats going on in his life


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