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Date: December 5th 1941

(Can) R74906
Sgt. Pilot Davey J.V.
129 (Mysore) Sqdr, R.A.F.

Dec 5/41

Dear Mother, Dad & Art:

Here I am again, received your 10th letter today from Uncle Harry, it is the 1st from you for over a week I also had one from Con & Mr Lindner the day before. I guess my letters are arriving okay by now altho I don't think you will have had any with this address on you should be getting some soon tho'. Am pleased to hear you are all keeping fairly well & I sure hope you don't have any more set backs Mom. I had a letter from Aunt Mollie & Uncle Jim the other day & apparently Uncle Jim isn't doing so well. I sure hope he gets back again. Every body over hear seems to be in good shape & I myself am pretty fit still slight cold & a few bruises from a rugby game last week end - yes we lost but we should have won, blaming the ref. again. Well what is your opinion of this clash - it's really terrific & absolutely fantastic as far as I'm concerned can`t figure it out at all, it`s amazing how they keep on & on, I'd sure like to hear what his armies etc have to say about it, wouldn`t you, I sure wouldn`t mind the 'game over' whistle & I'm sure many others wouldn't either anyway will hope to be back for Christmas dinner next year.

Thanking you for the addresses, I have just written a few pages to George. I thought he was a Sgt. and I have been in touch with Ted for some time now. but haven't seen him as yet. I might be able to fly around & drop in on George if I can ever find his place. I am always calling for a 'homing' hardly ever fails every time I go up usually get lost, am not the only one. had a little shake today my port wheel refused to come down I had visions of a no wheel landing again, altho I could have got it down the CO2 emergency but it came down with a violent push of the stick forward which nearly threw mw through the roof and the stuff that came up around my neck from the bottom of the plane mud & what not, but it dropped & locked so I was happy.

As you know Don & I have been posted I will be seeing him soon tho' as when we get back to the same field. I am on a 48 tomorrow, will drop down to see Uncle Harry & Aunt Edie as soon as I get some shopping done a couple of toys for David & Norman & a few Xmas cards for over here. and then see who's who around the various service clubs, usually meet someone new each time I go in. So you & Art still ask, for mail & phone calls, hows Art doing in the wireless now okay I hope. keep it up kid, it'll be worth it if you get your ticket, has Doug Fawcett finished his course yet. also chum start writing eh and give some of your own gen. I sure like to here from you once in awhile. So you are playing Can. football this year too. is there any thing you don't do. Glad to see you are getting a rink. I heard some Can. news on the radio the other day & I thought I heard them mention something about a Victoria hockey team playing Vancouver. whatever else you do - don't fly - one is enough in this racket, stay terra firma.

It sure looks like a political upset with what you've told me in the letter. So the Liberals have taken a beating this time and Wismer & Weir defeated. Oh by the way Mr Winston Churchill is supposed to be paying us a visit tomorrow, & me on a 48, and a rumour the Duke of Glouster also but I imagine not due to the fore-coming events in the house.

I received Mr Truman's cigarettes the other Sunday and have written a fairly long letter in acknowledgement of them. also I received your co-op parcel - Aunt Necian Cake & your choes & razor blades & can say theres not much left of the edibles, very nice indeed and they all came through with out being broken up. one chocolate bar was broken that's all. & the cake was really delicious & no fooling I haven't acknowledged it to Aunt Necia as yet but will do very soon tho'.

Mr Lindner & Con both mentioned parcels going to Uncle Harry's. maybe they will be there when I call, I hope so.

I never thought of that letter I sent to Mr Lindner, that will be the one Con mentioned. she said 'How come I get a letter with half cut out' and Dads wasn't even censored. Well I sent them all back on the boat, some thro our orderly office & the others via friends thus the Canadian post mark. - does that clear the mystery up.

Thanks for the cullings a pretty good picture of Peg. - Con gave me all the dope on the weddings of Peg & Cuy, Harry Barber & Mary White Brent Murdock & Marg Law also a couple of kids that were in Y.P's I hear also that Brent is in the C.O.T.C. now, I remember him telling me he had a chance to get it. Hows the Royal Rhodes coming along. has Grogan had any more stabs at it.

Well I guess had better wind up again. so until next week I'll say cheer's and the best of health to you all & no more set backs Mom. thanks for the instructions.

Loving son

I am numbering my letters same as yours am writing every week. Love to all the relations

Your letter was opened by censors the first so far. nothing cut out.

Original Scans

Original Scans