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Date: December 6th 1942

No 143

Major GS Andrews, RCE

Survey, HQ First Cdn Army O/S

6 Dec 42

Dear Jean:

Your big parcel with the Dads cookies came during the week, and we are once more enjoying the luxury of "Klim" with our coffee as well as the cookies. The tin of Dixie was very timely too, in fact it was a lovely parcel altogether. Am going to take the butter to contribute to XMAS dinner at the Morris, Bert Hammond will be there too, I think we can find a goose. No letter from you but hope one will come soon as I am wondering if you are in the house, or have made other arrangements. Anyway, sending your mail to the Garmans seems to be the best bet until I hear otherwise. Had a nice letter from my sister Mary, & one from Mrs Haggman. Also 300 sweet caps from the FB. // Have been wondering what our Mary's reactions have been on getting back to Victoria. No doubt she will be glad to see Graham and her other friends again. And you dear! Did it seem a little grim, after being with your kin folk, to come back - well it can't be too long now, and when it is all over, we will make up for time lost. I often think of things I'd love to talk to you about, and get your ideas and advice on. // I continue to be busy, am fighting a battle all my own these days not a very important one perhaps, when I look around and see what really big things are taking place in various parts of the world, it makes my business look like a storm in a teacup, however, if I can do my small part, and others do theirs, small and big, we'll win, and all the sooner. Had a small disappointment last week, some experiments didn't turn out too well. And some of the old scientists with whom I am dealing, kick over the traces occasionally, but you know me, I never give in, and I'll prove my point, and get what I want eventually. Interesting problems come up all the time, and it means I have to get busy and study up certain aspects, delve into treatises, and so on, and this is the main reason I don't have time to write letters to so many to whom I should. Most of my scientific consultants are however, only too helpful, and have become real friends. The great thing is that we are all fighting against TIME, and any sort of delay, for any cause, makes me feel bad.// Was at church parade this am, representing the Survey staff. Gen. McNaughton read the lesson. My only contacts with him lately are indirect, and sometimes I wish I could talk some of the problems over with him personally. But his time is a much in demand, and if I can succeed on my own account, all the more satisfaction.// Spent a couple of hours on my tree up at Morris's agin, and feel the better for it. Ecila's leg is in a plaster cast, a post-script to her bicycle accident last summer. It was a lovely afternoon today, warm and sunny. In fact the weather has been quite pleasant lately. The flannel shirt you sent is giving me a lot of satisfaction. It is a dandy. This should reach you around XMAS time, you know that my thoughts and love will be with you and our dear little girl. I hope you will have a happy cheerful day. Perhaps the next one will be really our XMAS. Haven't got the Smedley things off yet, but will try to soon.

All my love to you both,


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