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Date: April 27th 1941

Lieut. G.S. Andrews. R.C.E.

"I" Branch, Canadian Corps H.Q.

Canadian Army Overseas,

Base P.O. Canada

England, 27 April 1941

Dearest Jean,

This is Sunday morning - and I am all packed up ready to go on my leave. Have about ¾ hours before going to my train, so will try to scratch off a note to you. A big mail this week, 2 letters from you - one dated 29 March, and your short note no date but posted 2 April - Also the letters of Gertrude, Irene, and Nora. Another letter from Hugh Hudgins and one from Axel Kinsman - Jock Bentan.

Your remarks of public opinion in the States are a bit depressing - and it really looks as though the German 5th Column and Nazi propaganda is at the root of a lot of it. People in the U.S. should realize the simple truth, that if Britain goes down, the U.S. will be a very unstable 2nd rate power in this world - with what freedom she has restricted to the Western hemisphere - and only the north half of that -because the axis covets the possibilities of dominating the South American countries - and once established there, will be an ever present menace to the U.S. A. On the other hand if the U.S. backs Britain to win, she will come out of the show by far the greatest power in the world, because poor old Britain is going to be a pretty tired and weary nation - even after a victory. Russia and Japan will crawl back into their holes - the one standing off the other.

If your plans materialized - you will be back home now - I wish you could have had a little longer visit in Auburn - so that you weren't so rushed - it would have been nice to have had 2 or 3 weeks just visiting and enjoying old friends and old places. However, you will be anxious to get into our own little home, and started on fixing it up. Don't forget to give me our new home address. It really seems thrilling to be writing you to our own home, and to know that you are Queen in our own little castle - with the Princess to keep you company - till your old Robber Baron husband comes home from the wars. I would like to send you something nice for the house - but you will have to tell me what you think would be best to get.

I hope your arrangements about your affairs in California will work out satisfactory - and that you will not have any occasion to worry about things at that end. Your plan sounds good to me, and its nice for you & Chris to have that partnership together.

Dublin - 30 Apr. 41

Well here I am in Dublin! Came in Belfast. Just as I was having my billet - a cable arrived from my bro Bill announcing his safe arrival in Montreal, after a good crossing - it was nice to get this news before going on leave, because I admit I was getting a bit anxious about him. He and Joyce will be living in or near Montreal I expect.

Capt Purnell who is taking leave with me is a most satisfactory travelling mate - He has a very fine looking wife & 3 dandy kiddies at home - so we have about the same attitude on expenses and other features of a leave. He is a newspaper man in civil life - and has a rich knowledge of personalities everywhere - and world affairs. He studied at Manitoba University and knew my late cousin Bert Andrews.
Yesterday - enroute here from Belfast we stopped for a few hours at Drogheda to see Tom Sloone & his wife - who is brother of Jack Sloone, Nora's husband - he is a charming fellow - manager of one of the banks here.

This p.m. we are going to visit The Dail, the Irish Parliament - and tomorrow plan to go out to the country to stop overnight. So far the weather has been perfect.

As you can imagine, the Irish people are charming - and most friendly - their reactions to world affairs are very interesting too. I have a much better understanding of their outlook and greater sympathy for their problems as result. Well - we must trot along & get some lunch - slept in rather late this morning - had quite a bull session with one of Gil's newspaper friends last night - until about 3 a.m.-

Well dear - I'll be writing at greater length soon - in the meantime - all my love to you both.


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