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Date: May 14th 1917

Echo Place May 14th 1917

Dear Roy.
Received two of your letters to-day dated April 7th and 15th,two field cards last week, the last one April 22. so that was later than the letters. Oh, my dear, it is so good to hear from you and know, you are well, at least fairly so. Hope your cold is gone before this and the weather better. Dear heart if itt would only end soon, how glad we would all be, The bible tells us these things were coming so I suppose if we had eyes to see and hearts to understand we should know more about it. I always feel however that you are coming home so cheer up dear one and don't loose your nerve, so you may, as far as you are able do your part to-wards coming back to us.

I am sure you have more prayers offered for your safety and welfare than, you have the least idea of. Even (Ma Little) told me to tell you she prayed for your safety. Am so glad you got some of our letters and box when you were not feeling well, it would cheer you up some am hope ing you will get all thats been sent you there must be your mother's box my last one and two parcels of the Womans Institute on the way. I am getting things gathered up to send you another soon. Yesterday was Mothers day at S. S. Marguerite took Ruth and they got started in good time, then I hurried up and got Baby and my self dressed and went too. it was a nice service with some good singing, I went up in the gallery and baby was as good as gold never a word out of him, so it was worth the extra work to get there. I certainly miss you when getting the kiddies ready to go any where. of course M is dandy to dress the little ones and the boys are getting so they can clean their own shoes, but you can well imagine I do some tall talk some times to keep them at it. I am feeling real well most of the time, have had a little gum boil or two which made my face nice and fat and also one or two large pimples on chin am going to get a box of nerve food to tune up with, am sorry you got your new suit so bad, but never mind dear Dad you will have to help me with the washing when you get home. Do you get sugar with your meals at all? We have all been invited up to Glen Morris for 24th of May. I don't know whether we will go or not the children think it would be lots of fun and Auntie Nell wants us to come. guess she thinks it will do us good. I don't feel very picnic'y with you in such dangermost of the time, but it would not help you any to stay home all the time, so if the weather is fine we may try it. Am sure you are anxious to see that picture of Ruth and Ivan it ought to be there long before now. dreamed last night you were hurt, but not bad, was glad to wake up and find it only a dream. I will remember your wishes dear boy if any thing does happen to you I always feel that the Lord can take care of you even there, so you must let his kind spirit come into your heart to stay, that to my mind seems to be the principal thing to make us ready for whatever comes life or death. You remember the Magazine I got last year I sent my subscription in a week or so ago they sent me two nice pictures one is Mother love and the other,(Its a long way to Tipperary) and am to get six rose bushes too, so hope they all live, and we will have a nice rose garden some day, will plant them in the round bed in front yard, so they can be taken up when wanted. now I must trot along to bed sending you Oceans of love and tons of hugs and kisses

Yours ever Mary B.
P .S. The kiddies are so busy looking for birds nests & gathering flowers they can hardly eat their meals.

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