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Date: October 27th 1918
Robertson, John Hill

Pte John H Robertson
7th Batt Canadians

Oct 27/18

Dear Sister

I received two of your letters sent from Alberni some time ago but didn't have time to answer I wrote to mother a couple of times so you would hear how I was getting along. I have been in France a month now so I'm getting used to it I didnt get any mail for a long while. Then when I came to inquire I found they had me reported missing for over two weeks. I don't know how they made the mistake for I was with my platoon all the time. When my mail did come I got an awful bunch. There was two from you, two from Mother and one each from dad and Charles. I sure was glad to hear how everything was going on at home. You seem to be having a great holiday. Have you decided to stay at the coast all winter. I havent got your parcel yet with the glass or the socks in. I've received two in France but they were both from Mother. Maybe they will come yet. I hope so anyway. You must be meeting all the old timers around Alberni I remember when Bessie Porter sat right in front of me at High School. I guess she remembers too. So James got sore because you didn't notify him that you had arrived at the coast. Poor James. He must think a lot of himself. I havent heard (I found this red ink in the house so I'm taking advantage of it) from Horace for a long while. I thought maybe he had been shifted and hadnt got my letter. I would like to have seen him. I was sorry to hear that Sandy Lougheed was still sick. Dad told me quite a while ago about him getting his neck hurt. Nellie will be in a great state. How is little Sandy getting on. He ought to be getting quite a size now.

I'm glad you liked my picture. Did you get the one's of Harry Zac yet. I send another picture to Mother with a group on I wonder if it went O.K. In Mothers last letter she had some pictures of her and Charles. They sure were fine. I was glad to see Mother looking so well. Her trip to the coast must have done her a world of good. In dad's letter he told me all about his trip. He must have enjoyed visiting all the old timers again

Well Hannah there isn't much to write about here. Just now we are billeted in houses and I have a spring mattress to sleep on. There are lots of large gardens handy and we cook up all kinds of stews and Milligans we are out on a rest. I don't know how long it will last but it can't be too long for we have everything in first class shape here for our own comfort. Young Thatcher who used to got with Agnes Bennie is here with me we are both lewis gunners on the same gun. I didn't know him before but we often talk over thing of Nanaimo & Ladysmith. I heard from Aunt Jim and all the rest not long ago and they were all enjoying the "Flew" I will have to close now as news is scarce. Hoping this finds you all in the best of health as I'm OK at present.

Your loving brother


Write Soon

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