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Date: May 8th 1944
Claude Senton

May 8th 1944.

My Dear Son. -

I received a surface & air mail letters from you last week. Took the air mail 7 days. I think that is fast travelling eh! Hope you are well and everything Okay with you. We are fine here. Dad busy seeding Durum wheat. Bought it from Archie Semple. $1.15 per 100. Its lovely wheat. Abrey is coming this week to do a 1oo acres of one-waying. 85ȼ per acre and pulls a pocker behind.

We had a good rain last week. We were very fortunate - as a great many parts of the prairies are lacking moisture. The trees will be out in leaf by the 24th of May. Grandad bought 36.00 of fruit trees for Cecil and he wouldn't plant them, so Grandad gave them to me. 100 Manitoba wild plums. 128 fruit trees, cherries, crab-apples, plums, apples. So we will have quite a fruit orchard if they all live. We set out [?] 600 [?] west of the house. Lewis and Mary are home for 5 weeks. Lewis is trying to sell his Ford. It turned out to be a lemon. Mary's Grandmother (at Gouan) died and they had to come on the train - as the car is in the garage again. And he paid $500 for it. Glen and Pryce done much better $450. And it was for as the boys can get gas? Glen was sent out to [?] And may be sent to Weyburn from there. No "leave" for Glen this year - I guess. Pryce got his leave, and is at home. Claude, I'm trying to get that information on Gov't personnel. I wrote to Editor of [?] Post. As yet haven't heard from him. When it comes down to facts, few people know, who has certain positions in the Gov't and who hasn't. But here's a few I know. Gov. General. Earl of Athlone. Prime Minister, Mackenzie King. Minister of Finance, Isely. M'ster of Defence, Ralston. Minister of Air Defence, Major Power's. Premier of Sask. Patterson. M'ster of Agriculture, Federal., JH Gardner

Last Mountain Con'sly. Provincial. 'Con's" Kelly. Imperial
'Lib." Danielson Davidson
Federal. Cons. Deifenbaker P. Albert.
Lib. Laita Gouan
CCF. Benson ??
Premier of Alberta. Manion.

Minister of Gelth Alta. W.W. Cross.

" of Agrigulture. Sask. Tagcurt

That seems to be all I can remember right now. But I hope to send you a more complete list. We asked the teacher here - but she didn't know anymore about it than we do. Did you receive your parcels yet? Hope so. Keep telling me what you need. Mail is coming through fine now. Im glad you had a good "leave" Im sure you look nice in your grey suit. Would be quite a change. Gordon is working in a shop in Vancouver. Deisel work. Clarence Wilson is home for a 4 day leave from Southern States. He's a link trainer, 34 years old - to old to fly. Have you got you stars and ribbon to wear yet? Will look nice on your uniform. Lewis has a service ribbon too. Haven't had a letter from Glen for six weeks. Lou wrote me last week though. Glen was wondering why he hadn't heard from you. He's so good to write himself. Ha. Goodbye for now,

Love Mother.