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Date: January 3rd 1919
Mother and Father
Walter Liddiard


Jan 3rd 1919

Dear Mother & Dad.-

I haven't written to you quite so promptly lately; the trouble is I got so much mail in a bunch that it has taken me all my time to answer them, and I still have quite a few unanswered. I have been getting quite a dew parcels lately, I told you I had received a box of chocolates from Miss Gribble, I also got another box of chocs and two handkerchiefs from Miss Maynard and a swell parcel from Mrs Morley, she made up a dandy of Xmas cake pudding (in a tin), candy, honey nuts, etc. Also got another good parcel from Gert & Edna Rendell and yesterday a swell on from Meg Sibbald, she sent me a peach. I haven't received nos. 8-9 or 10 from you yet, but they will turn up in good time I guess. I received the Money Order at last, so am jake for cash. I had a share in some parcels for fellows that are sick or away, so you see I have done pretty well. Got two pairs of socks and a knitted muffler, a tin of pea-nut butter and lots of candy.

Last night I went to a moving picture show put on by the Y.M.C.A. and it was very good. As I hadn't seen any pictures for some time I guess I enjoyed it more than I would have otherwise.

We are not allowed to go to Cologne at present, it was put out of bounds to Canadian troops on account of them raising the devil down there.

I have been to the Kaiser Wilhelm Baths, at Kalk, just outside of Cologne, it sure is a great bath all tile work and fixed up with every con-venience, and last but no least a swell swimming tank.

I hoped to get rid of these d-n "crumbs" but no such luck, I still have the Duke of Argyll beat.

I have been having another dose of boils, I had 3 on my hands and at present (like [?] Rendell) I find it rather hard to sit down. Ha-Ha! I had a dandy on my neck when I was with the D.A.E.

There is no sign of us getting back at present, but another is division is going very shortly. so I guess we won't be very long after them, anyway I am pretty sure we will be back well within the six months you figured on Dad. In the meantime everything is going along very nicely here, I'm not kicking at all.

I received a letter from Aunt Kate and Uncle Walter, one from Ethel and a little books of Browning from Phoebe, they all ask to be remembered to you. I also got letters from Tom Rendell, and Mc [?] they are both close but I don't know just how far.

Glad to hear that the 'flu is pretty well under control at last, you people must have been like prisoners for a time.

The people here seem to have plenty of food, such as it is, they live chiefly on potatoes, bread and coffee (without milk). The bread is rotten stuff, it's a dark brown color, is very heavy and tastes darn sour, I can bearly barely eat it. Of course we get white bread. I wish I could bring a piece of German bread home as a souvenir, but I guess it wouldn't keep.

Well I guess I will ring off as I have a couple more to write tonight, As ever you loving son


P.S I am sending some views of Cologne in a few days, also the photo of the battery, it didn't turn out too bad


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