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Date: September 29th 1916


Dearest Loving Mother

I know that you will all be wondering what is the matter that I have not written for so long. But please do not let such things worry you. We are all safe and sound and in the best of health. My letter paper ran out and I could not get any more until your two parcels came to-night with a small pad from Ethel and your oatcakes. Believe me. It seemed like home to get them.

We have been on the move for a few days but have settled down for a short time well away from the front line and are doing a bit of training and resting. Then we will be off again. Thank goodness for the reduction in the mens packs. They used to weigh over 100 pounds but will now be only some 35 or 40.

Last night I heard that Gordons Corp were close here so I went over to see him but he was out so I left a massage and he came over at noon today. We had a short time together and I went over again tonight. We had a good time together telling each other lies about what we had each seen and places where we had been . He is looking awfully well and has a lovely pony to ride. I tried it out and it went beautifully.

Just before we started to move I was fortunate enough to be sent ahead as billeting officer for the Battalion which meant that I rode a horse during the move except the last day when I walked. We passed through a lovely country and are now in France. There is one thing I noticed on the way & since - that every person loves the french and france but hates Belgium & the Belgians. The country just looks just the same in every way on careful comparison but we have heard so much about Belgian German spies that we have connected it with that country.

Just recently- in fact for sometime past I heave noticed an inclination on the part of the Col to treat me with great consideration. There were one or two occasions on which he thought he had reason for straffing me but instead of doing so he came and enquired the circumstances and if he thought I could have done better he showed me how in a reasonable way and did not even seem to be angry. Just why he has let up on me I could not say for he certainly has not let up on the others. Even Mjt Rimmell gets it at times. About two weeks ago he called us both to his room to advise us of a meditated change involving my replacing someone else as this someone was in his opinion unsatisfactory. But since, he has not referred to it again.

You know, Darling Mother, I have a hunch or feeling that I am coming back to you safely. Ever since I left Canada this feeling has been with me which is peculiar since I left home with very blue feelings. But cheers. It will be a good Xmas time for us all so do not fret anymore.
We are staying at a farm house with some very nice french people and I can tell you that the little french I know comes in awfully handy and I am learning a whole lot more.

Tell Ethel and Stell and Dear Old Dad that I am going to write them soon but wont promise how soon give my love to all the girls and thank Anna B for me and tell her the same.

I think I told you about Humphrey's Aunt. She has been awfully nice and has written me very often and sent me a bit tin box of pound cake. It went awfully good too and with your cookie and good things keep us all eating to get away with them all.

Please do not send me any more sox just now. I have so many that I do not know what to do with them all. And say, Dear Mother, tell E. that the wool in the last pair is much too hard for marching. Of course I give away what I cannot use to the men who just jump at them for they are so much better than the issue.

I suppose you would rather have a daily account of our doing but it is mostly dry routine just now and would not be worth reading. Don't worry about that. I'll tell you lot our travels at Xmas dinner.

Your Loving Sonnie

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