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Date: May 23rd 1916

Clinton May 23/16

Dear Madam: Well this letter leaves me alive and kicking and also feeling fine. Well we took the train from Exeter yesterday but our orders were to march so we had to pay our fare from Exeter to Hensall. But we did not mind it as it saved a lot of hard walking. When we got there we lined up with Hensall lads rolled our overcoats and struck out for Brucefield we got there about 1 o'clock in the rain. We got a great dinner in the Sunday School. We started for Clinton at 2 o'clock It was pouring rain. We all had our feet wet before we went half a mile the rain running down our great coats then dripped on our heels and so wetting our feet. We put our heads down and marched at the rate of 4 miles an hour through about 2 inches of sluch I was afraid we would have to take boats or rafts to get there but we got there safe at a little after 4 o'clock There was only 1 man who had to fall out and ride on the waggon that brought our outfits I stood it pretty well my feet were awfull wet. Well we were sent to one place but when we got there they would only give us our meals so that was no good we went back and got another place. they are dandy people their name is Barcliff He keeps a restaurant. They have 3 little kids Well I got my supper and changed my stockings and then went uptown about six. Jackson and I were standing in a doorway when we heard Serg. Oliver calling for Exeter men we thought he wanted them all so we answered him He told me to follow him He took me into the orderly room marched me up to Captain Some-body or other, and halted me The captain took a White silk band with M.P. stamped on it and sent me out a fullfledged Military Policeman or (Mud Pusher) (Mothers Pet or Mean Person) that is what they call us I started on at six o'clock and hammered the pavement, with another man untill 12 o'clock went home to bed got up at six and went at it at 7 o clock untill half past four this afternoon six hours sleep since I left home I walked 20 miles all togeather yesterday 12 comming up and 8 on the sidewalks at night some trot. Is it not. Well we havent got to drill or parade at all. I hear we have thi job all the time we are hear Well its not a bad one as long as you keep walking and mind your own business your all right I don't know when we will be home so I can't tell you. Well Jackson said Just now that we go to London on Monday next. (Hearsay may be) but I hope so Well I'll close hoping it finds you all well.

Yours Truly

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