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Date: March 5th 1940


Dear Tick:-

I've had the snaps which I promised you some time ago developed, and am sending them to you.

Unfortunately at this time I am unable to forward those which I had intended in the first place, owing to circumstances beyond my control. Namely, That upon my arrival from the developing shop with the finished prints, the boys were so pleased and supprised (most of the shots were candid) that they insisted on having them to send home with out further ado. All is not lost however. I still have the negatives and am having them re-printed.

Nova Scotians down Lunenberg way will recognize Sgt. Owinillan demonstrating the setting up and aligning of the heliograph. No I Sgt. Owinillan was one of the first Canadians soldiers in the first division to sail for England. Being sent over with the advance party to take the latest course in signal training. Cape Britoners will recognize Pte. Dan McGrady on the extreme left, looking very interested, which accounts, no doubt, for the very efficient signaler he turned out to be.

No. II Shows a station of signalers practicing. The chap sitting down is busily tapping out a message by key. While thoes in the back ground are sending by flag. Note the goal post. Every town and hamlet in England have their socker feilds. The Canadians however soon change them, with the aid of a few bags or stones, into a very satisfactory soft ball diamond.

No III Shows a very interested party sending on lamp and field telephone. Those chaps hailf from Truro and were formerly with the North Nova Scotia Highlanders.

On Nos. IV, V is yours truly. Sending with heliograph. Note the respirator at the elert. Occasionally the gas alarm sounds, in practice of course. In such an even we don our gas mask and carry on with our work.

No V In battle dress. Note the camouflage on the building. This camp is more liable to look like a forest or farm from the air. There is not much chance of an air raid here. We are protected by planes of all description by day, and search lights by night. This is all the snaps I have at my disposal at present. Will forward more in the near future.

This is about all for this time. Will try to work in more Cape Britoners in the next group.

I remain your foreign correspondent

Karl Butler

Original Scans

Original Scans