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Date: January 19th 1941
Mom and Dad

19 Jan 41

Dear Mom & Dad:

Things are pretty quiet this afternoon. In fact every Sunday things are quiet. During the week we handle from 60 to 90 messages a day, but on Sunday there is nothing to report.

A couple of the boys went on a 48 hr pass yesterday, so I am filling in as clerk for one of them. Actually I'm suppose to be excused of all duties during the Motor Transport course, but Sunday being a slow day and me with a letter to write, the clerk job is just the thing.

The Transport Course is suppose to finish up next week.

We had some real Canadian weather here last week, about 3 inches of snow fell, it sure made the country look beautiful in our eye. The Englishman didn't take to it very good. Coming from dinner yesterday I met a Canadian and an Englishman. The Canadian remarked something about the beautiful home atmosphere we were having, the limey who was all muffed up retorted with "what do you mean beautiful, you can ave it."

It is now ten oclock in the night. When I started this letter this afternoon things were very quiet in the office. Then the boys started ringing up their girl friends to make dates for tonight, so letter writing was strictly off. Its quite impossible to concentrate on writing when those fellows start shooting their line.

I spent a very enjoyable two hours in the YMCA this evening. Dr Jones, a well known after dinner speaker in Central Canada, gave us a swell show. His talk was on the sceanic beauty all through Canada and with the aid of lantern slides, he certainly put it over good. The last slide showed a beautiful little church in the country with light coming out of the windows. It was the prettiest picture Ive ever seen. With that scene on the screen he told us of how our loved ones were in churches all over Canada praying for us. He finished by telling us to write home to-night and tell our folks where we spent Sunday evening.

We came away this evening very impressed and proud. You will never know how great Canada and her people are until you've compared her with other lands and other people. You dont realy have any class distinction over there compared with this place. The average Englishman admires us for that only. We walk where they fear to tread without bowing or scraping to anybody.

I must cut this short before I get into deep water. You and Dad take good care of yourself and Ill do likewise.

With lots of love
from Boyley

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