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Date: August 16th 1944

Aug. 16/44

My Darlings,

Well after four hectic weeks in bed I am up at last. My leg has healed up wonderfully although there will be a couple of nasty scars. I cannot bend it yet but manage to wobble along on two canes. After being in bed so long it has shrunk to about the size of my wrist, but am taking massage and electrical treatment for it which is restoring it to normal once again.

I'm afraid I'll have to get another crew. The boys are more than half way through their tour and if they are still mobile by the time I'm ready to fly again they should be practically finished. They just sent out my clothes today along with a dozen letters which I was exceptionally pleased to get.

I'm at a convalescent home now, Harewood House - alias Buckingham palace. Honestly it's the size of three modern hotels. As I mentioned before it is the home of H.R.H. Princess Mary, sister to our present King or daughter to the late King George V-which ever way you want to look at it. She and her husband stay in one half of the mansion while about forty cripples stay in the other. I sleep in the same bedroom as King George did when he visited here-my blood will be blue yet by the time I get home. I'm writing this on the Italian terrace-all other nationalities are on the other sides. There is a beautiful small lake, 300 yards in front of me which I hope to be fishing in a couple of days.

I received letters from Mother, Dad, Catherine H. Also Marilyn and Eileen, Vernon, Betty C. besides another couple of stray ones. Almost time I did get some as I've only had two the last month.

I did not know quite what to think when I heard you were selling the house. I have always considered Kelvington as home, but I guess there is no reason why I shouldn't go on considering it as such. However were ever you move, make your choice good as I want to settle down when I get back-for a couple of weeks that is.

While I was in York hospital Mrs. Hawksworth came to see me. It is a two hour train ride form her place but as everything is so crowded it took her seven hours. What a dear she is. You probably got a cable from her by now. I knew it wasn't necessary but she thought it would make you feel better. As soon as I'm able to walk around again I should get a 48 and go down to see them. I have no idea how long I'll be here but it will be easy two weeks and I will probably get two weeks leave before I go back to work.

Well folks it's one of those strange English days with something we don't see very often-the sun, so I think I'll get out and get me some vitamin D or whatever it is.

Love to all,

Original Scans

Original Scans