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Date: February 5th 1917

From Canadian Siege Battery
5th Feb. 1917.

Dear Father,

Was very glad to get your letter of the 11th [?] and to learn that you were all well at home.

Received the parcel with the mits and say they are just the thing for out here, everybody was quite envious of them. Wrote Harry L. a small letter this morning thanking him for his kindness.

Am glad the club has so many new members this year as the more the merrier and perhaps if we do get enough new blood in the next few years shall be able to enlarge what I think would be quite possible and very acceptable to all concerned.

Have often intended writing the Club thanking them but you understand how it is, "always to-morrow" and consequently that little thing is never done.

However jsut look at the little news board in the rink abou the end of the present month and if there is not a letter of acknowledgement from me, it will have been lost during transit.

Mother has told me of her new coat and I can tell you she thoroughly enjoys it. Mother certainly deserves all the good things in this world, and only trust that we will always be in a position to gratify her least desire.

An always glad to hear about Rita and how she is coming along with her different studies. Was always certain she would be very popular and well liked and I would [just?] like to bet that you take as much pleasure in seeing her well dressed as she does herself. Believe she is quite a pianist now and was quite surprised and pleased when she told me that she had a class of dancing composed of nearly all married people. Has she joined the Curling Rink? or do you think she is to young.

Just put a pinch of salt with what Bronnell might tell you as he was with us a very short while and during hsi short stay generally had what is known out here as "[ward up?] however he saw a few interesting times while with us, but not half as much as if he had stayed until now.

You must have been surprised to see Gordon B. New Years night and I wonder what excuses he could have made for having stayed away so long.

Suppose you have often wondered why I have never been promotted out here, well the same thing has been worring me of late. If everything came out as it should and the promotions according to seniority I would be second senior sergeant in the battery as it is I am still a [?].

Have been in France now just on eight months and for over four months of that time have been doing a sergts job being in charge of a guns crew. The last date I was put in charge of a crew was 30th Oct and since that date have had charge of it, and seemingly to the satisfaction of my section officer and O.C.

However the reason I think is some internal shift but I am not grouching but should like you to know that even if I do not happen to be holding sergts stripes I am doing that persons work.

I hope I have made myself clear and perhaps you would be glad to learn that I still have a clear sheet in the Army.

I am mearly writing these things because [?] wrote Rita I believe telling her that I had been made a corporal, he was a little previous with his good news as the list was changed from the time he saw it and when it was posted in orders (a few hours) for reasons unkown.

The weather still holds good, and is clear and cold [?] days much to the satisfaction of all.

Have not yet had an interview with my O.C. (Beeman DS.O) but expect one within the week so shall write and let you know if it comes to anything.

Have heard nothing further about leave and if nothing comes very soon we might just as well look happily forward to another long campaign.

However here's looking on the bright side of things and thrust this will find all well at home.[?]

Your [?] Son.

Is Chas B married yet?
Heard from Herb last week letters he wrote some months ago and mislayed.

Please send me [?] Boyas address.

Original Scans

Original Scans