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Date: March 19th 1941

March 19/1941

Dear Mom,

Brrrr! Looks as though old man winter is attempting a comeback. For the past week we have been enjoying all the mud & slush & balmy freezes of spring, to-day however the snow is swirling around outside as it used to in Edmonton. Our flight plan called for night work all this week from 11:30 to 3:30 but of course that has all been cancelled. I went up last Monday nite however for my first night flight & got the surprise of my life to see the glittering city lights spread out below us like innumerable jeweled pin paints. The glow of a city this size be seen for almost 200 miles across the prairie & with a fairly clear moon & cloudless sky it isn't at all difficult to pick out & identify objects on the ground.

Vancouver sounds like a veritable paradise—with daffodils & flowers, trees, shrubs & birds vieing for a place in the sun. No wonder you enjoy it so much & I'll bet the kids couldn't be happier. I was hoping that you would be settled by now—it must be rather bothersome to be house hunting continually. And what do you mean by saying you won't mention it again—I'm really very interested to hear all about your plans etc.

Our mid term exams are now past history & well behind us but now the finals for this school will be upon us in 3 or 4 short weeks. I think I mentioned that I stood 5th but I really think I can do better—I hope—on the next. Yes I got my 48 hr. leave the weekend before last but I failed to locate Herb Ashford—as a matter of fact I didn't look very hard for him. It so happened that I ran into a bunch of my old cronies in Brandon & spent most of the time with them. Here in Winnipeg I've met half a dozen fellows whom I knew at Jasper & also several Hi-Y members who attended that conference a couple of years ago. We've been dog goned busy however that we have very little time for entertainment except on occasional show. I saw the Philadelphia Story with Katherine Hepburn & Jimmy Stewart; last week & thought it was quite good—maybe you've seen it?

Eric & [?] have been pretty good in writing me lately—but I think Louises letters take the cake—she deserves a million hugs & kisses for them. Eric says that his report was marked probable—probably meaning he needs to work a little harder.

Mary and Blanche wrote the other day & mentioned that the boys owed them a letter. They said something about having a wedding at [?] a few weeks ago & the brides Aunt & Uncle come down from Edmonton & turned out to be Mr. & Mrs. Hahn who asked for Mary when they heard the name mentioned & were asking all about you. I've lost their letter so I'm afraid I can't recall all they had to say.

Thanks for the addresses. As a matter of fact I wrote to Aunt Myrt just after leaving Vancouver but as yet I've heard nothing from them. Maybe they got my address [?] all balled up.

Heard from Ev the other day & apparently he's still waiting for a posting & I sure hope he gets out as a pilot I may be in Regina myself one of these days on one of our cross country flights.

I'll have to drop Zell a line now & thank her for the Welches—boy those peppermints certainly hit the right spot. What's behind this sudden St. Pat's day observance—I didn't think tho Traers were the least bit Irish—begorrah! (except their tempers).

Ouch! Who threw that? I didn't mean a think—just kidding.

Please write soon & how about sending along some good photos of you all. It isn't every guy that has a beautiful mother & sister & two handsome brothers & no pictures of some to back up his boasting,

Lots of love