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Date: April 22nd 1941

#5 A.O.S.
April 22/41

Dear Mom, Duchess, Eric & Traer—

Well—how is the new house coming along I'll bet it is really shaping up by now—at best the hole to put it in should be dug. You must all be quite excited about the whole business—of course I really wouldn't know—I get so many letters from you kinds I don't get time to read them all. I'm still wondering about poor Traer's toe—does it still hurt or did they have to amputate it or is it all better now or what. Tell me—do you like Vancouver much better in the spring then in the fall & winter.—I'll bet you do. And Louise ought to be having a grand time too—with two big brothers to show her around & take her to the parks & to the beaches and everywhere. Thanks for the swell photos—I am really proud of them -no kidding, all the fellows say I've got a mighty fine looking family back home. I think I told you the other day that we are going back east—this time to Fingal Ont. That means another three day train trip which I detest, only to tell the truth, I really won't mind leaving Winnipeg & its weather behind me for a while. We woke up this morning to find over an inch of snow on the ground & a frigid freeze blowing. Our final examination marks haven't been posted yet but I know I didn't fail any of them. Eleven of the fellows couldn't make that grade, & seven of them have left us already & the other four are writing supps. To day we have to take our drill test which isn't very difficult & then we are more or less thru.

Winnipeg is all agog over a forthcoming war savings parade this weekend to be attempted by the Governor General of Canada. He is also A.O.C. (Air Officer Commanding) of the R.C.A.F. & while here, here is coming to our station along with Princess Alice to present a wrist watch to the graduate in our class with the highest standing. I don't figure I am in the running for the watch at all [?] & I am looking forward to seeing the Princess Alice herself.

Another month from now and I'll be sporting 3 hooks as a seargent navigator & drawing another $1.50 per day. (I hope). We are expecting that some of the class when finished at Rivers Man. will go on to a Service Flying Training School & become Pilot Navigators according to the latest word from Ottawa so here's hoping I am one of them. Another interesting announcement has it that they will be using some of our graduates to navigate those bombers over the Atlantic—providing that their marks are high enough. However I'll be satisfied just to get thru this blessed course.

By the way, Traer—if you really want to knit something you could knit me a pair of blue soxs, because I can certainly make good use of them. Maybe mother will look after that for me. Enclosed in the envelope you'll find a set of L.A.C. props which I've never bothered to sew on my tunic or great coat. Maybe you kids would like to have them—one for each of you.

Before I go to the mess hall for dinner I want to ask whether you boys have stopped writing to me altogether or if I can be expecting to hear from you soon. I wonder also if you have been writing your Aunts in Toronto or not—they would certainly love to hear from you.

Lots of love to you all

XXXXXXXXXX for the Duchess—who is the best writer in the entire family.