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Date: January 6th 1917
George Leslie

#799147 L. Scherer
No. 2 Company
15th Batt. Canadians
Jan. 6, 1917

Dear Cath:

On Thurs night I rec'd your letter of Dec. 6 so you see it took it just four weeks & 2 days to make the trip across the blue bubbles. However it was none the less welcome - guess it must have come across on the "Scotian" eh? Am glad to hear that one of my letters has turned up. Had begun to think they had "fell by the wayside," but since you gone one O.K., I guess some of the others will have reached you by this time. Yes, Cath, I think I have received all your mail (fudge & other parcels included). Bobe & and I each got a parcel (a very nice on too) from the "staff & pupils of the R.C." They came as as surprise but we enjoyed them you may be sure.

So Chas. MacD undertook to fill Asbury's place for a few days. I think he would get along better than Atwood. Do you remember how Al threw up his job last time he was teaching there? I'm not sure but I believe we were both in II at the time. I've often had a good laugh over that little incident.

Was rather sorry to hear that the old time honoured St. Andrew's supper was called off last year. The other would take its place in a way though. Sorry I couldn't have been there but I was really too busy to get away this year. My thoughts were with you anyway. As for Graceye (get that "ye") MacP. - I'd hate to think of Murph or anyone else doing that on purpose but I don't think her recitation would be missed anyway. I know it used to give me that "cold shivers" if you know what they are to listen to her - almost as bad as when she & her sister sing a duet.

Yes Cath, I must say that soeur of mine is getting terribly wicked since I left home. Still I must admit that the joke is a pretty good one. Perhaps you'll be surprised to hear that get jokes on the Ford away over here. Don't know whether you have heard why it is that the 1917 model doesn't make as much noise as the old car or not (likely you have) but if you haven't you can spring it on Ruby next time you see her - "Because they have taken the brass band off the front."

Am so glad to hear that Margaret is getting on so well. I've been wanting to drop her a line, but as I mentioned in one of your previous letters I've lost her add. Give her my best wishes anyway, will you? Also you might ask her who looked after Laura Secord's cow after it got back to the barn.

And, say, since you've started handing out compliments, I'm going to tell you something Jack Murray (friend of mine - you've heard of him before ) said about you the other day. You can take it any way you like. Lawrence & I were talking about MacLaurin & Peggy Gage when in walked J.C. & wanted to know who we were discussing & we told him all about them getting married - a school teacher about 35 years old (more or less) marrying a pupil about 18). Murray wanted to know what kind of a looking girl she was & I said I'd show him her picture & let him judge for himself. So I brought out that snap taken on our 1915 field day behind the gym of you, Craigie, Bess, Ine & her in a group - you've seen it and perhaps remember that you are at one end & Peggy at the other. Of course, Murray wanted to know which one was the "bride" & I told him "the one end." "Why" he exclaimed "she's not eighteen" and later I found out he was referring to you at the other end of the line.

Don't shoot! I surrender!! As for me being the "apple of Mrs. Swarbrick's appetite" - I can't just see how that can be for I guess I used to tease the life out of her.

Well, Catherine, I really must let up. Hope everyone is well - Lawrence & I are both feeling great.

Yours as ever

P.S. Forgot to mention that I am now a Lewis gunner. Lawrence is still with the old section. This doesn't change my add. at all though.

P.S.2 - Do you ever hear how Harry O'Neill is getting along? I haven't heard from him for some time.