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Date: October 27th 1938
Amos William

Oyster River
Wed, Noon, Oct 27 / 38

Dear Betty:

Not doing much fishing - but there is lots to keep one occupied. You will be getting all the news of the fire of course - over the radio & in the papers. Billy arrived on Saturday evening & see him every day for a while he is able to get an hour or so fishing. Last evening Syd Patterson of the Sun & Billy & I went up the Forbe's Landing. The country is an awfull looking mess - a strip of territory about 7 or 8 miles wide & stretching down to near Courtney (about 40 miles) just a blackened - smoulding mass of stumps & logs, here & there deer & fawn limping around among the blackened embers. About 4 miles north of here - this side of Shelton Point - the fire jumped the road Monday night & went down to the beach, but they have it under control & there is no danger as long as the wind stays down.

I moved all my camping equipment down to Saratogu Beech on Saturday night. Mr Paul Harrison who is one of the owners of the property had given me the use of one his cabins there for as long as I care to stay - so I am sleeping down there & eating here at the old camp. I moved my stuff down to the back at the mouth of the river on Saturday night - when the fire was so bad - made my bed where I though would be above the reach of the tide - but I awoke about 12-30 with water all arround my cot. It was very funny - I scrambled arround & put all my bundles on stumps, & curled up on a high hollow log - where I was very comfortable until daylight. I got nothing wet fortunately.

If only the rain would come [?] went in to Vancouver on Monday night. Have been acting as correspondent for the "Province" at Oyster River, & so was able to phone in to Vancouver every day for 3 or 4 days - when the fore was at its worst. It is certainly a great experience.

Am expecting Billy down any time now - he was pretty tired last night, but is keeping fine - got my provisions alright - along with the teapot & bathing suit.

How are the Vancouver people feeling about the Tin Canners now? They certainly have no sympathy for them over here.

Am feeling fine & everything is O.K.
