291494 Sergt A.W.M. C Coy 12 Platoon
222nd Overseas Battn
Camp Hughes
My Dear Betty:-
Yours to hand this evening telling me of your Pink Tea etc your getting to be quite a Society Dam'e but it'll do you good to get out more. It is raining heavens hard set in yesterday afternoon, & its going to be a nasty night, there is nothing so dreary etc as camp when it is wet, everything damp it certainly is somewhat depressing & of course much worse for the Pte's & Corporals. Well I have had my first day as sergeant & I appreciate the change as far as bodily comforts goes. We really fare splendidly as far as meals is concerned, here is the menu,
Breakfast Porridge, milk, etc = coffee = bacon
Toast - butter - jams - french
fried potatoes.
Dinner Roast Beef - Potatoes - creamed carrots -
Pickles - Relishes, bread, butter - raisin pie
& Tea.
Supper Tea - Bread =brown & white - butter raddish
lettuce - cold roast beef & potatoes etc
so you needn't worry about that part of it - though it makes one sorry for the other poor fellows, Aylward Spike etc. We dine in a large marque tent - white oil cloth on tables - flower, etc, etc. you will understand how the change is appreciated. Mr. Aylward has just had another telegram about Harry they had moved him from London to Bristol & he has had a relapse & is critically ill, poor Mr. & Mrs. Aylward I do hope & pray that he will pull through - tell Shirley to pray for him when she says her evening prayer. You will have received my letter with enclosed draft & instructions, you might send me the address of the bank in which you have your account so that if necessary I can send money direct & save you the trouble etc. Was it dandelions that the woman stopped them picking? Poor Billy & Shirley - I hope it wasn't garden flowers, take them out to the park as often as you can it will do you all good.
Oh my how it is raining, am sorry you are not feeling so well to much high-faulting, you must look after yourself & keep your stomach in good order, especially against my coming home, eh? ah, ah. Also you had better keep me informed as to time of your company so that I can plan my leave accordingly, this is some classic letter eh? Will wind up for to night & turn in Hugs & kisses for Shirley & Billy not forgetting my dear wifey. Good Night & God bless you all dear ones you can't write to often
ever lovingly
xxxxxxxxxx Mother
xxxxxxxxxxx Shirlens } from Papa
xxxxxxxxxxx Billy
P.S. Wouldn't I like to have Betty cuddling up to my back tonight!