853 Nassau St. Winnipeg Can. June 1917
My dear Will.-
Tues. eve. And all done up for night so I shall start my letter, while the kiddies are out Billy and I went down street this morning to the post office, and mailed you two boxes. I could not get it all into one, so made two of it. It is very cheap to send them to France- just 32¢ each. I put one in a round 5lb. Baking powder tin- & the next in a pasteboard box. (as some are doing) so let one know in what shape it arrives - even boxes are going up. I just bought 1 yet - on sale at 12¢. After this I am going to sent not so much - but send something every 10 days or two weeks - so if goes astray it won't be so much - & Then you will be getting it oftener. Let me know if that cocoa & coffee are any good - all you need is the hot water. I sent some loaf sugar. so if it is not sweet enough. Billy is going to send you a little box some day. It tickles him; it is to be a box of toilet paper & some boo - killer. Shirley will likely send one at the same time I hope your boxes go through safely this time.
We dropped into Eaton's & got a cauliflower & a small roast of Lamb - on sale at 20¢ - got 55¢ worth. Billy is not well at all - his stomach - no measles. So I am going to start & give him a good "Cleaning out" with castor oil - & get more green stuff for him. He seems so tired and sleepy. Can hardly drag himself around & is so pale. I'll doctor him up though. He says, "I am so worried about him." (you) and you'd really think he was just worrying. He says to say "Dear Daddy, I want you to come home." And to tell you he drank some tea, & can whistle. He keeps cuddling up to me a lot these days. A little ago I went out & he & Mrs. Foreman & her little 2 yr. old girl were sitting in her hammock swinging away. He is over there a lot & they are nice to him Shirley had her "tea-party" at school this p.m. tho' school does not close till Friday. She says she did not put her elbows on the desk - or gobble it down. I'd like to have seen the little beggars eat. That little girl of Wood's is kind of taking up with her now. She is a lot older but that's what Shirley needs.
Well, my dear, you would have smiled to see your wife pulling weeds yesterday & to day. I got it all done, & there was a fine crop - All the stuff is coming up dandy. Billy & I were all ready to take your boxes down yesterday p.m. - stepped out, hats & coats on - & here it was raining like everything. We had a whole afternoon's rain again - great for the crop & garden (& stocked up full with soft water again.) - so we had to stay at home. I took the umbrella & ran up to meet Shirley, left Billy asleep in the chair & when I got back here was The Electric light man coming out. He was nice, & I think he waited just so I'd see he [?].
We had our first garden produce yesterday - a feed of radishes. - was surprised to find them so big. They are in 2 rows just along the side of the walk. Their the lettuce, beats - carrots, parsnips - peas, beans, onion & [?] with a few cucumbers & maybe a citron or two. I just wish you were here to help Eat the stuff. More of us are great on vegetables - but we'll sell eh, if we don't use it. Wish you were her to have some "Laurb & cauliflower - & rhubarb pie to - morrow. I am not getting any mail these days but the cheques begin to - morrow again. - also they are to decide about giving us $2ºº per child more in the patriotic to- morrow. If they do that will be an increase of $8 per one since I came in here. Wednesday eve - & I'll finish this - a lot happened. Rain in the night - & like units today again, Well, I phoned Helen (Ferguson) and told her about Billy, the Dr. was in so he came to the phone - & I told him. He would have come right over - only had some hosp.(is in the General now.) & was to be away all to day from 7 A.M. - & to - night but said he thought I should have a Dr. see him and also be would like to know what he said. - He did want to come himself I phoned Dr. McRae, he came out about 9 p.m. He has these swollen glands (just like the two of them had at Emerson - started the same, vomiting & all.) He has had a few cases of it, where they were taking German measles & one case like Billy where they had it alone. (Inflammation of the glands, I think he called Said he had not even read of it not with some other disease I had hot foremantations[?] on all day to-day. He was real sick till about 4 p.m. when he brightened up and seems much better. I'll keep him in - & close by me for a good while. Has eaten a little more today but his temp. was 102 at 2 o'clock. I think he will be all right now - looks so much better - & is joking & laughing My I had a "strenuous" day - singing songs, & telling the same old stories 6 or 10 times - about the man shooting his toes off etc. Poor little kid, I hate to see him sick I think it comes from being run down. Not much wonder D. Wallase was puzzled.
Well, my dear Will - it seems odd to be writing this "lightly to you - knowing you are in the thick of it, but you can know that behind it all is an awful heartache I had your 2 letters to-day - May 29 & 31- & you were to go to the "lins" next day - so that you may have been in the trenches for nearly 3 weeks. We send up many prayers for your safety, and speedy return. It seems awful for us to be having so much comfort Etc. and you roughing it there, and I do hope the End comes soon, & peace be restored again, Am sorry you are so long without letters from us. You will likely get a lot at once now. And often that will likely get them right along I wonder is there any hope of it being over this summer. Be sure, any special thing you would like me to send, to let me know. I will send some "Old Chum" once in a while I am wondering if a "pork pie" would go thro' safely packed in a box alone - or would it spoil. I think I'll send a food sizes one, & see. You will not know or would not - that the $125- had not come over, but I told you in my last that I was going to write - Lloyd's Bank - after getting my instructions from the manager of the Union Bank here, I'll wait now till I take my next cheques in. The patriotic did not come today. & I understood from the paper tonight we are to get the $2ºº per child extra. So it may come in this cheque. You will likely have written about that transfer by the time you get this.
It is a cold, lonesome Fall night and we are all in the Kitchen - Billy in the big rocker, tucked up with a quilt & Shirley writing on her slate with chalk - The sun has peeped out, at last - so it may be finer to - morrow - but it feels like frost. I shall close now so Shirley can run up and mail it & it will get started on its way so much sooner. Shall write soon again to tell you how Billy is. Am glad to be able to say he seems decidedly better to - night.
I hope you are well, and pray that you may be kept safe and that it will soon be over, & you safe home again. The worry is telling on us a little - I am feeling rather miserable lately - with Billy sick - & you going - my old "grind" is bothering me some - but I can't complain. I try hard to keep my courage - & hope - up - and Keep going, looking Forward to the day we look for your home coming. Good night dear Will. - Your little family is thinking of - & praying for you. and we all send our love & Kisses, to dear daddy.
Betty xxooxoxoxx
Shirley x0xx0xx0xx
Billy x0xxxx