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Date: November 19th 1917
Amos William

Sask - Regt'l Depot

Nov 19 / 17

Bramshott - Hants

My Dear Betty:

Have been spending a most delightful weekend at "The Morrings" with Mrs. Russell, I came on Saturday afternoon & shall be returning to camp after dinner this [?] It is a great thing to have such homes & such friends to come to, it certainly helps to make the other life at least bearable. Yesterday (Sunday) I took the service in the little Wesley chapel in Greyshott & in the afternoon Serg't Walton called for me, & we went to Mrs. Tyndall's "Hundbead House" where we had tea & spent a very pleasant hour or two - returning here to dinner at eight o'clock. Sergt Walton going back to camp about 10 P.M. You might write a few lines to Mrs. Russell you will find the address on the little booklet I am enclosing - she has a beautiful home, & my room is ready for me any time I like to come to stay as long as I like. This afternoon I am to take tea with Lady [?] Russell at "Rozeldean" just a few minutes walk from here.

I received your two letters written Oct 9 & 12 respectively & telling me of your efforts to get me home, you are certainly making things count & I do hope that you will be successful.

You certainly have some good friends in Wpg & Mr. Mathews have been fine also Dr. McLane & Mr. Rae remember be kindly to them & give them my [?] You will know long before this reaches you whether I am to come home or not, personally I am not going to build too many hopes, for you are never sure of anything in the Army, & I must be well started on my way back to Canada before I shall allow myself to believe that I am on my way home.

I have been back in Bramshott two weeks now, & am not doing a think in the shape of work & shall not be able to for some time, my left leg bothers me quite a lot & I have to walk with a stick, am afraid that it will always bother me more or less, also I am still suffering from sleeplessness, however if I am fortunate enough to get home soon, that trouble will soon right itself, I am trying to do what I can at this end to get back to Canada & have some hope of succeeding is my effort - but - as I have said I am not building too strongly on it - One thing if I succeed this end I may get back a little earlier than otherwise, & if you succeed in your efforts it will facilitate my discharge from the Army - Let us hope & pray for the best.

Just recently I have sent several parcels (Four) two containing books, one containing old letters, & the other containing a German soldier's water-bottle taken from a dead German near Lens. I also sent from London (two weeks ago) Xmas cards for yourself & the kiddies addressed separately, & a small box of Mistletoe which I gathered at "Helmingham". You remember "Roberts" the man who helped to carry me out to the (Dressing Station) when I was wounded? - well he has been killed, poor fellow & I heard the other day that Mr. Spick as been killed, I do hope it is not true. One thing you may be sure of Betty & that is whatever happens I shall not be able to go to the front line again, that I suppose is something to be thankful for - though if I were fit, I should not mind for myself.

How are you feeling these days I do hope you are better, also Billy I wonder if Shirley & Billy will know me when I return?

You must not work so hard, I hate the thought even of you having Ruby there for you are not able to look after other people - though at same time I am sorry for her, yet you must look after yourself

I am patiently, yet very anxiously awaiting the results of our combined efforts, would it be fine, if I can be home before the month of January runs out? I'll keep right on working for it.

Give my dear love to Shirley & Billy, wouldn't I like to be home in time to fix up the Xmas Tree? hugs & kisses for you all, with the dearest love to yourself dear Betty God bless you & may He bring about our re-union soon - soon, ever yours


Betty xxxxxxxxxxxx
Shirley xxxxxxxxxxxxXXX
Billy xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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