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Date: January 11th 1917
Amos William

Seaford Camp

291494 19th Reserve Batt'n
Army Post Office
London Eng.
Jan 11th / 17

My Dear - Dear Wife & Kiddies:

Have just come of guard & am not feeling very well, getting cold I think, we are having some nasty weather now rain - rain & mud - mud - mud, give me the Canadian 40º below every time in preference to this humid English climate. Well dear I received your parcel .O.K. just before going on guard yesterday. I had no time to open it so left it until this evening it came in very good condition you certainly packed it securely sweetheart - everything was .O.K. except the toffee & that had softened & run into one mess - the shortbread was fine only one or two pieces broken & then not badly I have just taken a taste & my its good like old times, then the chocolate - chewing gum & other candy was splendid I shall enjoy them & think of my dear ones as I do. I have also received your letters up to No19 with the exception of No16 you ought to have been getting one or more letters a week from me, but I suppose the posts are irregular.

I am sorry about Mattie & hope she will soon be better - don't repose any confidence in her at all, & as to Mrs Gunn - you can remain friendly etc, but let her see you are independent & as for the kiddies keep them at home I don't want any one else slapping or calling down my children. Was glad to know that the note business was settled & pleased that in place of $5ºº you got over $9ºº. Re the Mortgage you had better just pay the interest, as it is wise to keep a surplus in the bank. Well Betty I have at last entered upon the Officer's Training Course, I don't know how it will turn out expect to be here for about 6 weeks & than shall be giving an exam which if I pass shall be sent to Military College. I have already asked you about the money, I expect I shall need about $150 & it would be wise to have it in hand here - then as I said before I shall be able to return it in a few weeks at the latest. I am enclosing some Newspaper clippings re 222 St John, also one or two other items. Have had a letter from Maggie Flett which I enclose poor Maggie she is good. Its hard to write as one would like in a barrack room with men talking - singing & jumping arround, then I am not feeling well so will close for now - will write again soon. How I long to be with you again. Kiss & hug my little darlings for me & let them kiss & hug you for me. Good night dear ones fondest love & kisses. God bless you.

Ever your loving husband & Daddy


Betty xxxxxxxxx
Shirley xxxxxxxxxx
Billy xxxxxxxxxx

Remember me to your Mother, Mattie and Gunns

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