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  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in field_views_field_default_views_data() (line 123 of /app/profiles/viu/modules/contrib/views/modules/
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  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in entityreference_field_views_data_views_data_alter() (line 81 of /app/profiles/viu/modules/contrib/entityreference/views/
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  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in oa_core_visibility_data() (line 607 of /app/profiles/viu/modules/contrib/oa_core/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in oa_core_visibility_data() (line 607 of /app/profiles/viu/modules/contrib/oa_core/includes/
Date: December 2nd 1917
Amos William

"The Moorings"
Greyshott Surrey
Dec 2/17

My Dearest Betty:-

Am spending the afternoon at Mrs Russells & shall be going to Mrs Tyndall's to tea, am taking the opportunity of the quiet to write you, as I do not know when & where the next chance will occur,

I have heard nothing in regard to your application to get me home & as I have been disappointed on my own efforts, I have given up all hope of your being successful, any-way I am under order to proceed to France on Y.M.C.A. work at the Ffront - I expect it will be to take charge of a Y.M.C.A but, the work will be a little more congenial than what I was doing before, but I shall be in the danger zone once more, do not be in too disappointed & do not worry Betty dear believe that things will turn out for the best yet, & when the day of reunion does at last come our joy will be the greater. I leave Bramshott on Tuesday Dec 4th /17 for Shorncliffe & from there I shall go to France - I do not know as yet what part of the line I shall be in, but I will endeavour to write as often as possible & keep you posted as to my where-about

You had better examine your letters carefully & when I do get to France I will put a dot (so . ) over some of the letters, pick out these letters so marked & put them together, & you will be able to spell out the name of the place I am at. I am very very diss-appointed at all our plans coming to nought & my heart is full when I think of you & the kiddies, my how I long for you all - but we can only wait & hope & pray for the end of it all. You must still send the information & documents to me for which I have asked, for I shall not give up trying to get back to you, I wish now that I had asked you to send me a cable, as soon as you heard of the result of your application.

You had better still address your letters to Bella it will be the best way for awhile, & ask her to forward them immediately. & above all dear Betty, write often - often - often tell me all of your doings etc for your letters are the only things that I have to look forward to. Don't bother sending any parcels, I can get along without them, & you need all the money you can get.

I have a little cash w/ me & from now on I hope to keep a little in case of need. I have about 25$.

You will have seen that Mr. Spicker[?] is listed as "Missing" & that Cliffod Baskeville died of wounds also Roberts was killed my, we have lost a lot our Emerson boys. Thank Mr Mathews & the two doctors for their kind efforts on our behalf for me - its too bad they have not been successful

I hope & pray that comming New Year will usher in the day for which we are all looking & longing for, & that I may be spared to spend the Xmas of 1918 with my little family, I do hope dear that you are feeling better also Billy, keep a brave heart & still trust & pray. My dearest & fondest love to yourself & Shirley & Billy, with hugs & kisses God bless & keep you ever prays


Betty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Shirley xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Billy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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