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Date: August 5th 1917
Amos William
Ruby & Frank

Strathclair Aug 5/17

Dear Will,

It was with deep sorrow we have just learned from Betty of your being wounded and we have not as yet heard any particulars. We are [?] that your wounds will not prove too serious; to prevent you being with us before so very long. The message seems to me to sound serious enough though. It is hard to think of you away so far from wife and children, but then you have other dear ones near you.

It certainly is [???] business this war, and no saying when or where it will end.

I guess you have seen and heard and came through enough for the half a dozen lectures in the short time you have been there.

We had been expecting Betty and the children up, but I guess they will not care to come for a while now.

It will soon be a year since you were all here, and some how it does not seem so long. The ducks are not nearly so plentiful, we could hardly expect it after all we got away with then. Have never had one since.

Our crops around here are some what of a disappointment this year. The weeds seemed to get ahead of the grain. Some have a fair crop, a few a good crop, but most are like ours, just not very good.

Frank is away to church to night. O.U. Chapman from W'n'g is to preach in the hall, and all the churches join in. You know it is the night appointed to pray for peace.

I had a letter from Mother yesterday. They are all well. She says Father never looked better in his life.

We have been having the usual run of bad luck. One of our piggies died last night, and one of the horses will very likely do the same to-night. The one that fell on the binder last Fall, he got down in a slough and I suppose had been there all night before we found him. That is nothing though in times like these.

Hattie is soon to be operated on for the same as Mattie, who is still very weak.

[?]'s wife and baby are down now.

Isn't it an awful time of trouble? Of all the un-thought of things that have and are happening all over. It must be simply awful over there. I guess we can not even imagine it.

Frank is well Sunday is a busy day for him. He has charge of his north Sunday School, and some times takes in the south one as well. Mr Reid is having his holidays at present.

Old man Forsyche was fined two hundred dollars last week for running a "Blind Pig" Isn't it awful, at his time of life, and in these awful times.

Well I will have to stop and prepare some medicine for the poor old horse.

We do hope and pray for your welfare, and recovery. You certainly are constantly on our minds these days, and our daily prayer is that you may return to your dear ones.

May God watch over you and bring you in safely through whatever happening you may have to pass through, and now in love and sympathy I will say good night.

From Ruby & Frank

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