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Date: July 1st 1917
Amos William

853 Nassaw St.
Winnipeg. Can
July 1. 17

French Lessons in Sep Envelope

My dear Will:-

Another dull, cold Sunday and we are shut in & a fire on. Lots of rain lately: any account of soft water, and the garden is coming on fine. Mine is so much better than the one next door. They are quite jealous - have just been finding out that they are [?] to watching to be 1st. We have lots of fine radishes but as my stomach has not been very good this last while, I can't eat them. Billy does not like them, so there is only Shirley for them. Another year, I'd not use much space for them. & Lettuce, parsnips, cucumbers - and put in a good big patch of potatoes. - No use in growing it to give away.

Well my dear, I had your long letter of June 10 yesterday. It made us laugh a little, about boiling your shirt in a biscuit tin - & getting the "French woman's drawers." Billy is so used to seeing me crying, reading your letters he could lot understand. I am wondering how you are, for the last two nights I have dreamed about you & dreamed I was crying - & then woke up. I hope nothing has happened to you, and that you are well.

Looking over your letter - (I got 2 on Thursday p.m. - written June 3 - & 5) You will likely have a lot more of mine by now. When you get to 28 (you go it) - They start at 1 again. After a bit you should get some parcels of Tribunes, and in the last few letters, several more snap shots. I am sending 4 to-day, and may have another lot by next Sunday. Mr. Foreman took 2 more last week. He gives me the film so I can get copies any time. Thorey[?] gave him his film too. You spoke of writing Faulkners & Gunns It would be all right to write to Gunn - tho' they have not been doing any thing for us lately - only put on the screen door. The others along here - I thanked them "profusely" - & gave Mr. Faulkner money & potatoes to seed all his patch - & divided my cucumber seed - & onion & gave him some cucumber plants - & gave her 3 or 4 patterns - (copies) that would cost her 50 or 60¢ I am not any too fond of that clique - They give me the idea that they (Jones - Riley & Faulkner) - all saying lots about one Mr. Forman had been down to visit Moody's at Selkirk - & came new to show me some snaps he took. (oh - he tells me Rev. Findlays have just had twins - girls he said - poor Findlay - If he has to put on the rubbers for his whole Family of funerals later on - he'll soon be old) He started talking about these people here. & says he can't go then - always receiving into each other houses - & wanting to know all our business etc. I told him about what a nuisance Stanley is - hardly a day but he calls Shirley a "darn fool" or a "liar" - and how I had about decided to keep more to myself than ever. Mrs. Jones told them while they came in there that "The woman on the other side of them was kind of queer"- but still she can come in to phone. I'll being & freeze her I think. She is always yelling out & making a fuss about Stanley - Just to show that Shirley & Billy are "not in if" However, Foremans are so nice with them especially Billy - took him to the park - & yesterday she took him to the store. She sends me in 2 chocolates - or a nibble of candy - so plain like. I rather like Mrs. Faulkner - She got Shirley to go down to the butcher with Stanley yesterday. & gave her a copper But I never cared for him. I heard them having a squabble in there yesterday Oh - I set out to say - I didnt think there is a great deal of "thanks" coming to them it is this duty seeing they are not over there. Jones & Burchill & Riley should all be there. - No families. Shirley & Billy are pretty well weaned off playing with Stanley. Did I tell you that that "Mrs Stanley" - Wood's sister - wanted me to board her & her family. Woods sister-in-law came there - & she (Mrs. Stanley) kind of struck against working for the crowd. I would not so she has stayed there. She came here first - She always calls out "Hello" when she sees me at the back. So much for "local affairs" Gunns are as nice as ever. She often says Nellie is getting very rough etc now. Mrs. Jeffrey is getting up a family picture for this Tuesday. & has visited us. We are to go to Kildman park. The children are looking forward to it and if we go - if it turns fine - I must go up to see Mrs. Grant, It will be a good chance.

We were very much interested in your letter - but it must be awful there. We can have no idea. You asked for Mr. Kennedy's address I must put it in here So I won't Forget R.J.K. - 213 Sherbrook.

No word of that transfer yet and I have not been to the Bank since - got my patriotic ck.
cashed at P.& B. & have not been down since I sent your box - 2 wks Tues. Oh. if you can boil water in your residence you will be able to use the prepared coffee & cocoa when it reaches you.

I must not forget the finances I have $88.50 on hand - & $25.ºº + 14.ºº to come. = $127.50 I will not have it all in till 14th so am just going to pay $30.ºº on the interest to-morrow (D.V.) & the remaining $22.ºº near the end of the month. I want to be sure to have the $77. Insurance ready to pay before the end of July - maybe as soon as I get the next patriotic - July 20. It will likely be $24. this time, After July I wont have any large payments - $33.70 - $52.ºº - & Taxes about $25.ºº so I'll perhaps get a little ahead. Is[?] it a terror - here a year - & none ahead yet - accept the $125.ºº that's not here. I won't have so much Insurance next year ($47. less) We are not spending any - accept for eats. This good while.

Billy has been getting on all right is coughing yet but loose - He is dreadfully thin - & pale. I don't know what to do to fatten him up - If he was just at Ruby's - drinking fresh milk etc. I set the dinning room table yesterday - baking & too hot - & let Billy sit in your place, & be pa. He looked so small and funny. Spread his serviette across his knees - & did fine.

I told you I sent Bella $5ºº - that was what you said, was it not?

I intended - trying to go over to Broadway to-night - with Mrs. Foreman's sister but it is so cold and damp. I think I'll just go across here. I have not been over here only once, for a long time. It is just one o clock. & I'll have to get a bit to eat & get Shirley ready for S. School. Bill came home again last Sun. & says he isn't going today.

Dinner is over. & Shirley off to S.S. Billy is floating boats on the bath tub of soft water - & talking away to himself. At noon be wanted to know what I'd do if you came home - would I give you a bear hug. He is so afraid we are going to hurt you. I was going to say, speaking of how funny he looks, sitting in your place at the table - that it does not look so lonely having your chair occupied, and no one at the side.

I have not read yesterday's paper yet - but see in large red headlines that Brazil is joining the Allies, Wonder if that will help. Oh, there is a series of French lessons in the Tribune - 4 sentences a day. I am saving them and will send them to you. It give the Eng. - French - & pronunciation. They interest me - seeing I can read a bit of French - I should have gone to France - if I could not speak it extra well I could write it down. I have about 6 lessons to send - may put a couple in this and then send 2 or 3 each letter. You never told me if our letters going over there are censored. All yours are now.

I see the States is lowering the price of soft coal - (from $1 to $5 a ton), and the hard coal people are going to follow suit. It may be as well we did not get our full supply.

Mr. Foreman is to be left here - expects to be made [?] Maser Serg't (is a Corp'l) He is in class @ - Expects to be left right here. They were for sending him to Val Cartier (just to be in the sand) but he disappeared for a season, - he told me yesterday - & 2 officers came & searched his house at 1.30 in the night last Sunday. The boys left on Mon. I think. I guess he'll pull thro'. I saw the officers there one day. He was at Moody's He is fencing in his lawn - & is going to get a yard of wire like our fence & make us a new gate - this is shabby & so hard to open & shut. It sill be o.k. if he stays here - he'll keep an eye on us. & I'd rather have him do anything than any one else. The only thing is, they might move - not liking it any too well up here.

I am sending the remainder of the snapshots. You will hear quite a supply. Let me know if you want the finished - big one I Billy - There will be I more when we get them.

I must write a line to mother to day She has had a busy time nursing Mr. Cormier[?] - nervous break down. No word from Beatty's yet.

I hope you are safe & well, dear Will. I have a great picture of you, in you little house. Do you sleep on the ground? It will seem strange to you to be home & sleeping in a bed again. Surely if Brazil turns in, & with Russia coming in again. The U.S. keeping, it may end before winter. The subs - are still doing a lot of harm. I told you how Billy bows his head & says "Gentle Jesus pre tect my dear papa today" Love and Kisses from us all Betty
{You should hear Shirley spell.}

Original Scans

Original Scans