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Date: August 22nd 1917
Amos William

853 Nassau St.Winnipeg, Man. Can
August 22, 1917

My dear Will,-

It is Wednesday afternoon, and I am wondering if there is any chance of a letter from you this afternoon - a little early I think. I have a "tired" fit on just now. Add left on Monday night. He did a couple of good jobs for us - fixed up the door bell, - its working yet - put up a handle on the back screen door, and cut Billy's hair. Yesterday I ironed, and went down street. I got my Patriotic cheque, and send $10.ºº to Bella for you, and $5 to Ruby for butter, and got underwear for Billy $3.ºº for 2 suits, $1.40 for 2 cotton outfits for Shirley. I also got a grey sweater coat for Billy for $ 1.ºº. Sugar is on the rise again, & reports say it is going to be a lot higher, so I ordered a sack today ($ 10.25). That will last us till about next fall, I think. It will take most of what I have for "preserving". Its kind of hard to know what to do sometime I might have had it before but did not hear it was going up. Eaton's won't sell more than 10lbs to a customer. I got a crate of eggs form Abe today, & have them ready for the boiling glass, which I've ordered - on sale for 19¢ today, I hope it will give us lots of eggs if you come. If I can just get my butter now. Mrs. McIver could not promise any yet - so I wrote to Mrs. Dan McGregor - Eggs are 30¢ a dozen; don't much know what the butter will be. It was 42 at Eatons last week. Ruby just charged me 30. I told Mertie I'd like to get my potatoes from George Gunn again, and must see if she told him. I bought 25¢ worth today (8 lbs.) I don't like to pull ours just yet, there are so small, I am using the beets & carrots, because I'll have to be getting the fuel in before very long. Coal is $ 12.ºº a ton yet I think. I guess two more ton, & 2 cords of wood will do for us. I will get the wood & get Mr. Burchill to split if before you get here. They (Add) says apples are very scarce down East, so they will be high I guess. So much for business: only everything continues to rise in price. I see our small tins of salmon are 2 for 35 now (at P&B) Pork is away up. There was an item - about milk going up again - it is about 6 ¢ a pt. now. I just get a pint every second day - and we have plenty. I make a quart & a half of rhubarb catsup today - had a sample for dinner - and it is burning holes in my stomach.

I am sending a clipping from last nights' paper - re col. Lightfort. I think there is a couple of hundred officers returning.

After tea - We have had a great rain - thunderstorm. It just filled all my barrels and tubs, & then stopped. It will keep the garden - besides easing my mind on the soft water question. It was getting pretty low. Since I wrote I have had a letter from Hattie. Hattie is no better the Dr. says he cannot do any more for her till she has the operation, and she is having it as soon as they can get the money. Mattie had another sick spell - her heart - but is better. They were both anxious to know how you are doing. It seems a very long time, dear Will since we heard - Your last was written July 29 - and it is Aug 22 now. There may be a letter to-morrow. I hope you are getting along well. The kiddies are afraid you may not be sent home. They are full of plans for when you come. I often wonder what they will do - etc. If it is in daylight I can take them to the station. Do you suppose they will know you? Shirley will be off school on Monday, if all is well. I can send you some "Fiction Sections" as soon as I get your address. Did you get the parts of the story "TheWhite [?]" that I sent - a spy story - I have a lot more collected. It is a dull gloomy, lonesome sort of night - good for sleep, I guess. Miss Cleudunie is sick to-day - she is very delicate - some stomach trouble like mine only worse, as she has had 2 or 3 operations. I wish you could see the two lads now. I divided up their picture books in the spring & put [?] of them in the little trunk down cellar - To-night when I was putting the water glasses eggs, I brought up a fresh lot - and they have the kitchen table pulled out, & are sitting side by side in behind - Shirley sounding out her words, & trying to read. She can read quite a little now. - Even writes me notes - spelled as they sound. By two she should read pretty well.

Mrs. Jeffrey's sister, Mrs. O'Neill (and old time teacher) has phoned up twice now to inquire for you. It was nice of Mrs. McLoed to come. Her son "Geo" - will soon know where you are. It will be nice if he can take a run up to see you. He is at Bramshott.

I planted sweet peas down on garden fence, next Faulkners - and tho' they did not grow very tall, they are getting a lot of blossoms now. The rain will help them. I put Nasturtums along the front close to the verandah, and they have grown "rank" & such a beautiful bloom, & the prettiest colors - I have had pots of them in the house & given Mrs. Foreman 2 or 3 bunches. The house plants are looking fine now - lots of blossoms out - The little ferny plant Lulu gave us has got to be fine, a lively table plant now. & I see three new shoots up on our own fern. Too bad they have to come into the dark so soon. (I am wishing severely that I had not sampled that rhubarb catsup [?] an awful grind going on).

We are having comfort just now. Mrs. Faulkner & Stanley went out to one of the beaches, on Saturday and stayed. My they are brassy - even he - they almost put themselves to pass & look one straight in the face, & not speak - They don't worry me tho' - only the young "monkey" comes into the yard quite freely again.

Well, mon cher, if you were just here to help keep the gloomies away. I have to remind the kiddies they will not be able to climb on your knees, & sit on you now. It will be a job for them to remember. I'll stop now, and finish in the morning & Shirley will mail it before 10 A.M. Bon nuit, mon cher.

9A.M. & just up - a nuzzly dreary morn. Shirley will run up to the box with this. Maybe yours will come today. Good-bye, God bless you.

Love & kisses from all.


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