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Date: June 14th 1916
George Leslie

June 14, 1916

Dear Cath:

I haven't time to write very much tonight for "lights out" will soon be sounded but I'll try and put on the high speed and see what I can do. Harry & I got to Windsor Sunday night sharp on time and had prezactly 2 hrs, 10 min. to wait for no. 14 so we took a run down to Walkerville on the street car. After seeing where Harry & Charles board & have their meals we took another car back to the depot & I left Windsor at 12.10 Monday morning. Well, I tried to get some sleep on the train but, as you may imagine it didn't work very well considering the distance the seats are apart and the fact that I was wearing a kilt. I dozed off for about an hour just after we pulled out of St. Thomas but that's all the sleep I got between Saturday night and Monday night. I had to wait 4� hours in Niagara Falls (got there at 5.45) so just to put in time I took a run down to Chippewa on the trolley but it was so foggy I could hardly see the Falls at all. Got back to camp at 11 a.m. and went on duty at 2. Believe me I turned inright after supper that night and didn't wink an eye till reveille next morning.

Yesterday the scouts all went shooting and I made 47 points out of 60 although I had never used the heavy field ammunition before and it kicks just like a young cannon. The highest score was 51, so I guess my eyes aren't going to bother me as much as I expected. In the afternoon the whole battalion marched 3 mi. to the lake and we all went in for a swim. The water certainly isn't what you call "hot" by any means yet. That's the first time I ever went swimming the second week in June. I got through the 6 mi. O.K. so I guess my troubles are about over. Hope so anyway but the hike to Queenston day after tomorrow will settle that questions. Lawrence is still laid up and I don't think his knee is a bit better.

Just came in from town a few minutes ago. I was down to the �Kitchener' moving picture theatre with another fellow and the show tonight is pretty punk although the theatre is the best in town. It has been awfully hot today and looks very much like rain at present. We were inspected by Gen. Logie and 4 officers of the New Zealand troops over here on a visit, this afternoon. We made a pretty good showing, I guess for they dismissed us before 4 o'clock.

Say Cath we got some good news today. The orders state that an order from Headquarters just issued entitles every man in camp to a week-end pass every three weeks instead of every 4. There has been a lot of discontent among the men lately over the passes and I guess perhaps that has had something to do with the new order. I'm afraid it won't do Lawrence & I much good after we leave here though. I saw in yesterday's paper that the 99th of Windsor has landed safely, so Stubby Brown and a cousin of ours are in England now. I was surprised at them leaving so soon.

Well I've managed to jot down a whole lot more than I expected I would have time for, but I guess I'll have to quit now for lack of news. Will try to find more next time.


P.S. Wish you every success on the exams but don't work too hard.