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Date: June 1941
Gordon Joshua Dennison

June [?] 1941
St Thomas Ont.


Water was fairly cold but the beach was nice, Ronnie and I hich-hiked down I never know it was so easy for it was the first time I ever tried it. An American couple gave us a ride.

Well I got weighed last night up town and I'll bet you couldn't guess what I weigh? I weigh 181 lbs with my summer uniform on so I guess I had better start and reduce or grow taller.

Monday night we had to scrub our squadron out from head to foot. We washed all the walls in our room and the windows boy! They sure are getting fussy around here.

I guess that motorcycle idea was kind of dear so I guess I will have to forget but I have 60.00 in the Post office down here now. I must have almost 100 bucks stored away now in one place and another. Do you think I should put it all in one place and see if I could get interest on it. Uncle Lorne says the first hundred is always the hardest to get.

Well I will be about half way through my course here in about a week and a half I only have about 10 more weeks to stay here unless I get sick or something. I can't get my 7 day leave until I finish the course here anyway is if I get a west posting it will be all right. We are on magnetos now and boy I wish I knew more about electricity then I do.

I got a picture of the school on parade out of a paper, which I am sending, you can't make any of the fellows out but I am on the left hand side about the 7 row back.

The Cookies are all right when they get here but cost a lot for postage doesn't it.

How is the summer following coming along? Say Hello to Archie for me will you.

How did the field day come out where did Zenith come in. Have they got a ball team Is Archie Gates going to Daveyroyd now.

I am planning on going to Grimsby Beach a week from Saturday, I will write them before I go.

I won a table lighter at the circus just a cheap thing but I have no use of it so get Earl to fill the bowl with batten. It cost me enough to get it.

Cecil and I have joined a rowing club here weather it will amount to anything or not I don't know.

I got a letter from Lillian the other day.

My address is changed a little now it is

Wing 1 Sqd.1 not sqd 2
AC2 Dennison G J R85330
Wing 1 Sqd. 1 Entry 57
St Thomas

Well I guess this is all with Love

Your Son