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Date: March 18th 1916
George Leslie


C.C. - 83
G.W. - 72

Toronto, Mar. 18, 1916

Dear Cath:

Rec'd your letter yesterday and am glad to hear that your mumps have at last taken their departure. But before I go any farther I must thank you for that box of fudge which arrived last Saturday afternoon. It was certainly delicious - which statement Lawrence, Harold, Stewart and a number of others are ready to back up. There are still a couple of pieces in the box and I intend finishing them tomorrow. Although I hate to see the last of them.

Last Sat. night Lawrence & I went out to Coyne's (as I think I told you we intended doing) but about nine o'clock I got sick and had to come home. I don't know what was the matter but I have felt rather tough all week and I guess it must be either a touch of the grippe or the effects of vaccination. Anyway we had to break up our game of Lost Heir.

Thursday night our company (D Coy.) put on a dance in the Western Orange Hall and it was quite a success. I didn't feel much like going but the officers wanted as many of the co. as possible to be there so I went over for a little while. There was a good crowd present including all the officers of the Co. and the C.O. and senior officers of the battalion. I didn't dance much but Lawrence was on the floor all night and the next morning he had a great line of talk about all the difference dances he had had. I was only out from nine till ten and he got in about two.

And tonight is going to be the big night of the whole week for our battalion concert is to be put on in the Highlanders' Hall. There are 22 items on the program including songs, recitations, instrumentals, motion pictures, choruses, &c. I am going to do my bit in the choruses and on that account I have had the privilege of hearing most of the concert rehearsed. I tell you it is certainly going to be fine. All those taking part are men of the 134th and many of them are real artists. It is quite natural that there should be some good singers, musicians, &c in a crowd of 1200 men but I was surprised at the number we have got. For instance there are about 60 members of the choir & each sings a part - either tenor, alto or bass. We have actually got a number of altos. Well so much for the concert & musical talent of the 134th.

We have been given to understand that we will go into barracks at exhibition camp on the 5th of next month. That means that we can be out at night as late as we wish for 18 more days and then it's in by 10 or there'll be trouble. And I'm really glad such is the case for we've been mighty uncomfortable where we are for the last month. Owing to the cold Mrs. Loftus had been entirely unable to heat our room and whenever we want to get warm for awhile we have to beat it down town (2 miles) to a movie show. Really it's the limit and we have given her a few strong hints lately but I guess all she can do is make excuses. You can have some idea of how cold my hands are by taking notice of the writing. - They say that the X is kept well heated so the sooner we get there the better I'll like it.

Oh! yes, before I forget - you mentioned the little spat you had with V.P. I'm not much good at solving puzzles and she's the biggest puzzle I've run across yet, I'm sure. I have no idea whatever as to what she meant but perhaps she's rather sore at not having received a letter from my noble self. She wrote me a couple of weeks ago and I haven't had time to answer her yet but I see no reason why she should be in any particular hurry? I'm sure I'm not.

Well so long till next time,