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Date: 1916
George Leslie

Niagara Camp
Thursday, 8.30 A.M.

Dear Cath:

This is the 3rd time I've started to write this letter so I think I ought to get it finished after a while. But I've got to go back to the pencil again for the Y.M.C. isn't in full swing yet although they are getting it fixed up as quickly as possible.

We are pretty well settled now but I believe we are to move out again in 3 weeks. Where we go then, nobody seems to know but it is quite likely they intend shipping us to Borden Camp, near Lake Simcoe. Well there's no use kicking but I can't say that I am altogether in favour of this moving around. You'll see why when I tell you how it was carried out this time.

We had to get up at 5 Tuesday morning and pack our belongings. Everything except our blankets was supposed to go in our kit bags which we had to carry to the wharf about 3 miles from the camp - the blankets were to be taken down on the transports. Now I didn't like the idea of carrying all that kit - 50 or 60 pounds - all the way to the boat so I just rolled the most of it up in my blankets, dropped a few things into my kit bag and congratulated myself for getting out of it so easily. We left Toronto at nine o'clock but it rained most of the way over, so we couldn't stay out on deck. Still we made good time and landed at 11.15. Then our troubles started. We had to march nearly a mile in mud actually over our shoe tops in many places, to reach camp and then they marched us back for our blankets!! Well, you may imagine what a time I had with my nice little bundle but I finally got it safely stowed away in our tent. We made three trips in all that afternoon and were dismissed about 5 o'clock. Then the rain came on again and fell steadily till nearly seven. You would really think enough had fallen to wash away all the mud, but no such luck. Things are a whole lot better now though for yesterday the weather was more favorable and the place is drying up nicely. Our tents are pitched in an ideal spot - a large, open field covered with lovely long grass - within a quarter of a mile of the main st. of the village. And the village itself seems just like home - no street cars, no dust, no noise - instead there are trees, birds, etc. It has Toronto beat all to pieces. I never did like living in the city anyway. Of course it is too quiet for some of the fellows, but it's country life for me every time �

It looks as if I were going to have it pretty easy today. The two day's marching raised another blister on my heel so I had to have it fixed up this morning. Of course it's "light duty" again but as there is no sweeping to do I merely have to lie in our tent and read or write or anything else I please. The only thing I can't do is leave the camp. But the battalion is to march to Queenston tomorrow and I intend going with them if I can manage to convince the M.O. that I can do it all right. It is 8 miles there & 8 back but the roads will be a lot easier to walk on, than pavement even if they are a bit muddy.

Say isn't that sister of mine a big boob? She hasn't sent those snaps yet: I guess I'll have to get them myself next week although it will probably be Sunday before we see Ridgetown. There is to be a military review here on the 24th so I doubt if we can get away. But as usual we won't know for sure till the day before.

Afraid there's not much chance of getting any snaps here for cameras seem to be mighty scarce articles at present. I thought we would get some when Harry B. came down for he brought one with him but he didn't stay as long as he expected. You see the C.O. wouldn't take him on until he got his discharge as an officer of the 24th Kent's (that's R- Home Guards) so H- phoned Col. Smith for the purpose of handing in his resignation but the latter advised him to go to London & take a captain's course and then he thought he would have no trouble in getting a lieutenant's commission. So Harry is going back to London. We were sorry to see him go but he's doing the right thing I guess. I know I'd take the same course if I were in his place.

I didn't get a chance to see Bob before leaving but I know he is in a crack company all right. Every man in the U.C. has a chance of getting a commission so Bob may be an officer before long. I came almost transferring to that bn. a couple of months ago and had everything fixed up but I turned it down at the last minute because Laurence couldn't get in and besides that I hated to leave the kilties. I'm glad now that I didn't make the change too - not because Bob's there by any means - but I'm quite satisfied right where I am.

Well, do you see that number at the top of the page? I think that means "quit". I suppose I could write a little more but I'll bet your eyes were tired half an hour ago.

By the way have you met Violet La V. lately? I see trouble ahead if I happen to run across her next time I go home. She wrote me a nice little letter nearly seven weeks ago - I know it was way before Easter and I haven't taken the trouble to answer it. She won't take up much of my time when I see her again, that's a cinch.

I suppose the inspector has paid his visit to the C.I. by this time. How did he find everything?

Well, au revoir. Hope to see you some time next week. Remember me to all the folks.


P.S. There are troops coming in every day now and all you can see is tents, tents, tents in every direction. Frank Keillor came yesterday but they are down on the lake shore 2 mi. away.