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Date: December 1917

Saturday Dec. 1, 1917

Fair + cool

At the guns all day. Noting unusual occurred. We carried on our usual shoots.

Wrote to May.

Sunday Dec. 2, 1917


Came down to the Wagon Lines, calling on Bgde HQ on the way down

Manning reported to Guns

Received a parcel from St. Pauls Church.

Monday Dec. 3, 1917

Fine + cool

Heavy frost last night.

Rode into Arras with the pay master and spent the day there. Had a nice ride and a good meal at the Officers club.

Wrote to F & M

Tuesday Dec. 4, 1917

Fine + cold. Heavy frost last night

Took a ride for a couple of hours after visiting the 16th H.A.G. to whom we are attached. Had lunch at Brigade Rear. Our horses were inspected by the Corps Horsemaster in the PM.

Wrote to Maria & to May

Wednesday Dec. 5, 1917

Fine + cold

Bombing raid last night.

Sworn in by Major McKay as Deputy Providing Officer for the Elections.

Thursday Dec. 6, 1917

Started the Elections at 2 P.M. and kept them open till 4 P.M.

Went over to Bgde for supper and stayed the evening.

Received a letter from May dated Nov 8 & one from F & M dated Nov 4. Also a parcel for the men from 6th Bgde Ladies Auxiliary

Friday Dec. 7, 1917

Warmer today

Inspection of W.L. by Lt. Pavet in the morning.

Voting in the afternoon

Send a parcel to May + one to Gert + Helen. (Perfume) Sent 45 frcs to Mdlle Delouste at Westoutre for lace.

Received two letters from May dated Nov 1st + 5th and a parcel of Xmas stockings from St. Pauls Church for the men.

Saturday Dec. 8, 1917


At the wagon lines all day.

Received a pale of Fudge from Helen.

Sunday Dec. 9, 1917

Raining all night + today

Inspected by C.O. Pyde at noon.

Had the S.M. report to guns as his work here was not satisfactory and have started to reorganize the Wagon Lines routine

Wrote to May

Monday Dec. 10, 1917

Cooler today.

At Wagon Lines all day and went over to Bgde for supper

Received a parcel of apples from May.

Tuesday Dec. 11, 1917

Fair + warmer

Wagon Lines all day.

Capt. Mielke down for a visit. McDougall came down in the afternoon for a couple of days.

Received parcel from Jim containing gloves, tobacco + c

Wrote to F & M + to the Doc

Wednesday Dec. 12, 1917

Fair + warm

At wagon lines all day.

Horse inspected by Col. Evans D.A.D.V.S.

Had the men on general house cleaning today. The lines looked better at the end of the day's work.

Thursday Dec. 13, 1917

Fairly warm + clear

At wagon lines all day

Capt. Mielke down from the guns. He & McDougall went back in the afternoon.
Took out an exercise ride in the morning.

Friday Dec. 14, 1917

Drizzling rain + mist all day

At wagon lines all day. Men doing a few finishing touches for the inspection sunday.

Receive a letter dated Nov 11 and two S.L. Posts from Sarnia and a Xmas parcel from St. Georges Church and a letter from May dated Nov 11

Wrote May.

Saturday Dec. 15, 1917


Went up to the Guns in the A.M. to finish the voting. Stayed for Lunch and came down in the afternoon.
Went over to Bgde Rear in the evening and played cards. Won 400 frcs.

Received two letters from May dated Nov 15th & 19th.

Sunday Dec. 16, 1917

Clear + cold - Snow flurries at noon.

Horses & harness inspected by Bgde Commander and Corps Horsemaster at noon stables. They both expressed themselves as pleased.

Major Flexman arrived back from leave in the evening.

Wrote to May

Monday Dec. 17, 1917


At wagon lines all day.

Went to Bgde Rear with the Major for supper

Tuesday Dec. 18, 1917

Colder and windy

At wagon lines all day.

Received word that we are to be relieved on the 21st + 22nd and move out to rest on the 23rd

Wednesday Dec. 19, 1917


Drew 3 Howe in the morning - 2 from the 170 Bgde + one from 165 Bgde - to take with us on rest.

Met Jake Irwin on the way back.

Thursday Dec. 20, 1917


General wagon line routine all day.

Friday Dec. 21, 1917


At wagon lines all day. Exercise ride in AM & general cleaning up in the P.M.

Received my pass for Blighty dated 24 - 12 - 17.

Major + I went up to Brigade Forward for Dinner and spent the evening there.

Our section of the battery was relieved at the guns by the 9th Btty.

Saturday Dec. 22, 1917


9th Btty completed the relief today and we proceed on rest to Annette tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock,

Wrote to F + M

Sunday Dec. 23, 1917

Very cold.

The battery left on rout to Annette for rest at 9 A.M. I started at 9.30 to ride into Bethune to catch the leave train. Had lunch at the Officers club and caught the train at 1.30 Arrived at Boulonge at 7 P.M. Registered at the Louvre Hotel with Major McCanley & Major Plummer.

Monday Dec. 24, 1917

Took the boat in the morning and arrived in Folkstone in time to have lunch with the Doc. Went down town in the afternoon and hung around the Salisbury all evening.

Wrote to May and cabled her.

Tuesday Dec. 25, 1917

Milder on this side of the channel.

Went to Doc. Saylers for an old time Canadian Xmas dinner. The turkey was the huskiest I've ever seen. It was a mighty fine dinner and came in good so soon after getting from France.

Wednesday Dec. 26, 1917

Quite mild.

Took the noon train for London with the Doc. who grabbed off 4 days leave. Registered at the Regent palace Hotel and went to "General Post" in the evening.

Did a little shopping.

Thursday Dec. 27, 1917


Wandered around town in the P.M. till we spied a Billiard Match between Over + Cook. They made the game look easy.

Had breakfast in bed followed by a good hot bath and lunch at 12. This is the system I'm going to adopt for the whole of my leave.

Friday Dec. 28, 1917

Quite mild.

Same morning schedule. Went "Round the Map" in the evening.

Met Leslie who had been wounded at Passchendaele and had also gained the M.C.

Saturday Dec. 29, 1917

Quite mild.

Same morning schedule. Went to "The Boy" in the evening.

Sunday Dec. 30, 1917

Same morning schedule. The Doc. returned to Folkestone in the afternoon. Jake Irwin landed in on leave so we decided to go to Glasgow tonight.

Wrote to F & M + to May.

Had expected to witness an aeroplane raid as the weather conditions were ideal, but apparently the Hun didn't wish to make an attempt.

Monday Dec. 31, 1917


Arrived in Glasgow at 10.30 and registered at the Central Station Hotel. After breakfast Jake called up some friends of is at Clydebank who came into town & had tea with us. They, on behalf of their parents, invited us to visit them for the length of our stay. We promised to go out tomorrow as we wished to see the New Years celebrations.

Original Scans

Original Scans