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Date: December 1916

Friday Dec. 1, 1916

Dull but no rain

No ride in the morning as a Muster parade was one. In the afternoon the Riding class was inspected by Lt. Col. Battiscombe. The riding master expects that the class will finish Tuesday next.

The balance of the Petawawa draft arrived last night. Capt. Johnston was in command. Didn't have much chance to talk to any of the officers as they went on their 6 days leave last night.

Saw Robertson (one of the men of the 67th) who told me he, Lyons, Strachan, Waugh, McIntosh, & Henderson were in the 4.5 Howitzers. Also saw Burns who is in the signaling class as is also Mason our one time trumpeter.

Lougheed tells me that the O.C. of his battery refuses to allow him to go the 55th Btty as Q.M.S.

Saturday Dec. 2, 1916

Dull but no rain

Had riding in the morning. In afternoon we adjourned to Folkestone. Bought some Xmas cards to send to Canada and visited the Hotel Metropole, where we had a bath and dinner. The meal was a great improvement on the one of the previous Saturday. Taxied home in the evening and sat around talking things over for a couple of hours and then adjourned to bed.

Had two hours in morning cleaning harness.

Sunday Dec. 3, 1916

Very dull

Stayed around the room all day writing Xmas cards and letters. Wrote to May and to Father & mother.

Paid by check my Risboro mess bill for Nov (L2/12)

McLean, Dales & Verney in to see us this afternoon.

Monday Dec. 4, 1916

Nice Bright day. Frost last night

Riding all day - All morning in the Riding school, jumping over the double jumps. My horse developed a [?] in its eye and had to be turned over to the Vet., so the horse I had to day was a slow old plug. Couldn't make it jump worth a "hoot." In the afternoon were out on open air menage. Had a real strenuous afternoon, stripped saddle and changing horses. Am a little tired tonight but find I can stick on a little better.

Lougheed & Anderson in to see us tonight. Lougheed has been able to arrange his transfer to the 55 Btty as Q.M.S. and is telegraphing them tonight.

Anderson has been transferred to the Mechanical Transport.

Tuesday Dec. 5, 1916

Fair but with heavy north wind blowing.

Had a road ride in the morning for about 8 miles. Wandered around over the good roads of this part of the country. It was a most enjoyable trip. The old style of architecture of the farm buildings &c was most interesting. The country is alive with Holly bushes out in berries.

Had menage riding in afternoon both in the school & outside. Had a pretty stiff dose handed to us.

Lt. Tough has received his notification of transfer to the Canadian Siege artillery and leaves tomorrow for [?] to take his course.

Wednesday Dec. 6, 1916

A very nice day.

Riding all day. Jumping in riding school in A.M. The horse I had was too heavy to clear the jumps to I changed to another one for the afternoon. This is the fifth horse I've tried out since the commencement of the ride. In the afternoon we had mutual instruction on the training ground at the rear of Ross barracks.

Had new rowels put in my spurs by the armourer this afternoon. The original ones were not sharp enough.

Received a letter from May dated Nov 19th

Wrote May tonight

Thursday Dec. 7, 1916

Slight drizzle early in morning but no rain the rest of the day

Riding in menage and Riding school in A.M. In afternoon we were examined by
Col. Battiscombe and all passed out. My horse was a dandy but a little rough on stripped saddle. In the jumps he was fine. In fact I was complimented by the colonel on the way we went by them. All credit to the horse. The new rowels helped considerably. We have to stay in Stables till saturday though on account of the scarcity of drivers.

Received a letter from May dated Nov 22nd

Friday Dec. 8, 1916

Rained during night and Heavy Scotch mist in the morning

Had a road ride in the morning. My horse fell lame so had to return home alone. Walked most of the way so as to ease the load.

In afternoon had a lecture in Harness Fitting.

The Affleck Bros. along with McIntyre, McLean & Robertson in to see us tonight. The 2 Affleck boys have just arrived to take up munition work. Musgrave also came over with them but remained in London.

It is very nice to have the boys drop in to see us this way. We enjoy hearing their experiences and they enjoy telling it. Fortunately they don't take things too seriously.

Saturday Dec. 9, 1916

Rotten day. Scotch mist all day with heavy rain intermittently

Lecture in Harness Fitting in the morning and performed our last stables at noon.

Went down to Folkestone in the afternoon. Did a little shopping. Visited the Metropole Hotel, had a bath and dinner. Then returned home about 9 o'clock

Received a letter from May and from Bob. Mays dated Nov 15th and Bobs Nov 12th

Sunday Dec. 10, 1916

Dull day - rain late in the afternoon.

Attended church service at 9 A.M. Then caught the 10.30 train for Canterbury. Burrows, Irwin, Dr. Coutts & myself in the party. Wonderful place. Visit cathedral - Grand organ music & choir. Have dinner at the "Rose" Hotel. Then hire a cab & drive around. Visit St. Martins church built in 4th century - oldest church in England. See Old City wall and moat, St. Georges Gate, Ruins of King George 4th castle, First engine built by Stephenson to run on rails called "[?]". 1830 - Between Canterbury & Whitetable, Old Roman Road. See many old taverns with quaint names: - Cross Keys, Black Dog, Flying Horse, Old Forge Tavern, (a very old one, popular with Royalty) Fleece, Rose, Bat & Ball, Ships Inn, White Swan, Little Inn (1503, made famous by Dickens), Little Dustpan, Seven Stars, Tudor House (1453), Ball & Crown, Eight Balls, Ye Olde Falstaffe (1403), other buildings. - St. Augustines Church, College & Prison. John Smith Hospital for Aged (1657) Old Monastry &c

Wrote May today

Monday Dec. 11, 1916

Sun shining today but a little hazy.

Battery manouvres today. Took up positions on hills to the north of the town. I was delagated as Q.M.S. The whole job was pretty poorly done.

In afternoon had a lecture by Mr. Barnacale on Battery Tactics.

Sent off a number of Canterbury cards to Canada. Wrote to W. J. Carroll 33, Walbrook, Bank London E.C. regarding when I could expect completion of my watch. Also sent my pass book to Bank of Montreal to be balanced.

Tuesday Dec. 12, 1916

Rain all day - Hell of a climate.

Lecture in the A.M. on the Directors and their use and a little practical work under a "dug-out" with the #1 Director.

Lecture on Telephone equipment in the afternoon.

Practised the Buzzer all evening.

Received a nice long letter from Gladys at noon dated Nov. 26

Wednesday Dec. 13, 1916

Fair Kind of a day - no sun though

Had Battery drill on the rear parade ground all morning. The field was a sea of mud and as a result we were all splashed from head to foot.

Lecture on the circulation of the horse in the afternoon by Capt. Best. It was the most original and entertaining lecture I've ever heard. After that had an hours work on the #4 Director.

Sgt. Lougheed in to see us tonight to tell us that his transfer to the 55th Btty had been approved.

Received the Toronto Sunday World dated Nov 19th.

Wrote May today.

Thursday Dec. 14, 1916

Rained Heavily during the night.

Had a lecture on the DMK3 Telephone equipment all morning.

In the afternoon had Director work. Afterwards Jake, Burrows & myself went to Folkestone to get some protractors and scales

Received a letter from May dated Nov 26

Received a watch from the firm with whom I left mine while in London. As it was an entirely different watch to the one I left with them I needs must return it.

Friday Dec. 15, 1916

Raining all day.

Stayed in our room all day on account of feeling rather tough.

Received a parcel from the St. Pauls Church Red Cross containing sox, box of cake cigarettes tobacco &c.

Also the Toronto Mail and Empire of Nov 14

Returned watch to W. J. Carroll

Saturday Dec. 16, 1916

Sun shining, but very hazy
Had director work in morning up to 11 o'clock.

Stayed in our room all afternoon, instead of going to Folkestone as usual.

Enjoyed a game of Billiards with Jake & Capt. Coutts after Tea and then returned to our Room.

Did a little Buzzer work.

McDowell in at noon to see me regarding the contemplated reunion of the 67th Btty drafts

Sunday Dec. 17, 1916

Sun shining at intervals, but very hazy. Frost last night.

Attended church service in the morning. Loafed around the room for the rest of the day and evening.

Q.M.S. Lougheed in to see us to say Goodbye as he leave tomorrow for Whitby to join the 55th Btty.

Wrote to May and to Father & Mother

Monday Dec. 18, 1916

Rain last night and in the Forenoon

Started on a two weeks course of Law and sketching. The instructor is Capt Walker, a son of Sir Byron E. Walker the President of the Bank of Commerce.

Had another interesting lecture from Capt Best.

Received a letter from May dated Nov 29 also the Sunday World of Nov 26

Tuesday Dec. 19, 1916

Rain & cold. Slight frost last night.

Had a lecture on Sketching and map reading in the morning and one on Telephones in the afternoon.

After lecture went down to Folkestone to make a few purchases

Received a parcel of candy from May which had been posted on Nov 6th. 43 days to arrive. Also received a shirt which had been sent to me at Petawawa. Lord knows how long it was on the way.

Wednesday Dec. 20, 1916

Sun shining today, but hazy

Had lectures on Map Reading and Military Law in the morning and a lecture on Military law in the afternoon.

Received at noon a parcel of candy from May which had been posted Nov 20th and also a parcel of cakes from Mother.

Played Billiards with Jake in the evening.

Wrote May tonight

Thursday Dec. 21, 1916

Raining heavily all day.

Lectures in Map Reading and Law during morning and afternoon.

Tonight was the first formal dinner at the mess. In future all dinners will be formal and Thursday night will be guest night.

After dinner, taxied to Folkestone to be at the re-union of the men of the various drafts of the 67th. It was quite a success.

Phil. Green visited me tonight. He is living at Westenhanger and is instructing in entrenching at the C.M.S. at Sandling. I was mighty glad to see him as he has been over here 15 mths but has been unable to get to France, much as he would like to.

Friday Dec. 22, 1916

Rained heavily during the night and this morning, but cleared up in the afternoon, the sun even shining.

Lectures in Map reading in the forenoon and sketching in the afternoon. Broke off work at
4 PM. as it was too dark to see properly.

Felt tough all day particularly in the evening.

Saturday Dec. 23, 1916

Rained heavily during the night. Heavy gale blowing today.

Had an examination in Map reading in A.M. In afternoon went down town and had a haircut and a bath at the Metropole and later had dinner at the Queen's.

Felt pretty tough all day.

Received 2 letters from May dated Dec 3 & Dec 6

Sunday Dec. 24, 1916

Sun shining all day. The nicest day we've had since arriving in England.

Consulted the M.O. about my health. He found I had a temperature and ordered me to bed for a couple of days - a lovely way to spend Xmas.

Jake on orderly duty today.

Wrote a letter to May

Monday Dec. 25, 1916

Dull day with heavy NW wind blowing.

Felt pretty tough all day and stayed in my room, taking the Doctor's medicine.

Attended the mess Xmas dinner in the evening which was the first meal I'd had since yesterday morning.

Received a box of 50 [?] Cigarettes from the father of young Mooney who was in the 67th Btty.

Wrote to Father & Mother

Tuesday Dec. 26, 1916

Dull day with drizzling rain

Stayed in Room all day. In evening the Doctor decided that I looked like a Measle patient so ordered me to remain in my room until he could finally decide.

Wednesday Dec. 27, 1916

Fair today.

Hung around the room all day.

Today's orders state that all subalterns must put in 2 months in French Mortar Batteries before joining the Field artillery. Also 8 volunteers are called for to form the French Mortar Brigade of the 4th Division CFA. Jake and I have applied along with Burrows, Henderson, Welton, &c.

Thursday Dec. 28, 1916


Stayed in room all day.

Wrote to May in the afternoon.

Friday Dec. 29, 1916

Windy and wet.

In the room all day

Received a letter from May and one from Bob dated Dec 10th.

Saturday Dec. 30 1916

Fair kind of day. Sun shining at intervals.

Stayed in room all day but in the evening went to the Pleasure Gardens, Folkestone to see "The Bing Boys are here."

Received a letter from Uncle James dated Dec 11

See McDowell has been posted to the officers training course.

Sunday Dec. 31, 1916

Fair day but rain at night.

Started taking my meals in the mess again with the M.O's permission.

Don Peplers Brother arrived on 10 days leave. He is with the 2nd Battalion in France.

Received Toronto Sunday World of Dec 3rd and a letter from Father & Mother dated Dec. 10

Wrote to May & Uncle James and to Jim

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