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Date: April 6th 1916
Ivy Redman (Sister)
George Redman

Fort Garry Horse
April 6/1916

My Dear Sis

You will be wondering what has happened to me that I do not write sorry to say it is my own fault, though I had not recieved a letter from you for a long while until the one you wrote on the 20th of Feb so will answ it now. Pleased to hear that you have recieved the money even if you do not need it now it will likely come handy sometime

We are having very fine weather here now and I think it is nearly time for we have had a very wet time ever since last Nov the boys in the trenches must have had an awful time, we have no idea when we will be going up but I hope it is soon we are all tired of fooling around and seeing nothing for it but drill day after day though this is a lot better than England we get lots of long rides and are able to see a good bit of the country. We cannot leave this village with out a pass and as we only get forty francs a month we do not bother with many of them nearly all the money going in food, all we get is bread once in a while butter marmalade cheese hard biscuets and stew, the stew is not very appetising and of the rest it is limited one yard meal and that is all there is to eat. I and my fat lads had a piece of steak for dinner the other day it was awfully tough like eating leather but was a nice change. Word has just been brought in that our captains horse while jumping fell on him and he is not likely to live hope it is not true for he is a very nice man both the sergents that belong to this troop have been hurt and sent back to England and a sergent named Blair from Indian head has had his leg broke has been sent back a few others have been hurt but not bad enough to sent back. I thought you were going to send me one of the photos you had taken send one as soon as you get this I will carry it some how. I wrote to Millie the other day and gave her your address she wrote you before xmas but has not recieved an answer she thinks you could not have got it write to her if you are not too busy. I hope your roommate is not so large as mine as he is over six feet good job he is good natured or I am afraid he would make short work of me all he kicks about is that I takes all the blankets and he blamed me one morning for pushing me out of bed. Well I dont think I have anything more to say and the candle is nearly finished and we have no more hoping to hear from you soon

With Love
Your Bro
G. H Redman

P.S. Please excuse writing as I am writing this under great difficulties

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