Cumberland Hotel,
Marble Arch,
London, W.1
Telephone Ambassador 1234.
Telegrams.Cumberosel, London
Sept. 3, 1942
Dear Mother:
It's good to be back in London for awhile - had a nice time with the last Malta convoy job. Didn't do too badly but got shot down myself, but managed to land on deck today so didn't get wet. I have my own fighter squadron now.
While I was in Monbasa last time, a party of four of us flew to [censored] in Tanganyika and climbed [censored], a slight climb of [censored] ft. [censored] in Africa. Although it's on the equator, it is cold up top and has plenty of snow. We had a cook and a guide and 10 porters who carried everything on their heads "a la Saunders of the River" or Dr. Livingstone. Had some wonderful pictures but lost then. None of the chaps spoke English, only Swahili - most-used word was safari, which I gather means let's get cracking. Also had three weeks at Tanga in Tanganyika -absolutely grand spot. Went ashore in [censored] but don't recommend it - certainly looks like a white man's grave.
Give my love to the kids and pop.