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Date: November 7th 1917
John Newton


Sweetheart Mine,-
I think I wrote you a few days ago, but I've lost track of nearly everything but the work in hand. Even I didn't know what day of the week this was until I inquired a few moments ago. This last couple of weeks have been the busiest I've (or anyother person in this unit) put in since my arrival in France. It certainly has been strenuous, but as usual the Canadian Corps has turned chaos into order and have successfully performed the tasks allotted to them, which tasks you will have seen mentioned in the newspapers. For my own individual part, I've been in the position of being the only sub. in the battery with a reasonable amount of experience. As a result I've spent all my time at the guns. Although when I wrote you last I expected to have a couple of days rest, it was not to be and I had to hike back the next morning. Got out again yesterday afternoon, walked about 12 miles back, had a hot bath, went to bed and slept for fourteen hours straight. Today I'm feeling fine and fit. I didn't get back to the back country the other day to purchase those few articles I'd promised you, but I have hopes of being able to make it tomorrow. So with luck you can expect some lace for your "nighty" or other parts of your equipment. I see by your letter that the Handkerchiefs I got you from Robinson and Cleaver arrived OK and met with your mothers approval. I'll be glad to have your opinion when you've seen them.

I've just been reading over your letters of Sept 18th 23rd 26th 30th Oct 4th 7th 10th & 14th preparatory to burning them. As you can realize I have no place to carry excess baggage, so as a rule I carry your letters in my pocket till I get 6 or 8 and then burn the lot. You've certainly been having quite a time as a [?] . Financially, of course, it wouldn't be a success but what efforts you have made added to the like efforts of other girls will have their bearing on the success of the war. So don't think that you have put with hardships and discomfort and served no purpose thereby. I'm willing to wager that although your bank account hasn't got fatter, you have, which is something to feel thankful for.

I enjoyed Gert's letter exceedingly much and am looking forward to another as soon as she can get time or inclination to write again. I can't promise to answer her, but just the same you may tell her that any letter from her (or any of the others) will be most thankfully and gratefully received.

The experience we passed through since landing up in this part of the line has been the roughest on record. Fritz has been most unpleasant in the way he acts with our artillery. He has apparently learnt the lesson (which we learnt long ago) that the most effective way of neutralizing our infantry is to put our artillery out of action. And this, of course doesn't make it any too pleasant for us. However, so far he has been not entirely successful, due mostly to the fact that we've taken all his high ground from him, thus leaving him without observation. Still that has the effect of causing him to shell promiscuously, so that one never knows when the odd shell will come his way. This doesn't [?] to that easy feeling one likes to have, when out for a walk.

I see by the casualty list that Jim Campbell (officer in charge of 1st 67th draft) has been killed and you will also remember T.C. Irvine [?]. He had a Hun bomb drop on his dugout one night. R.I.P.

I'm sorry, dear, that I didn't write you as often as I'd hoped to be able to do, during the past few weeks, but if you could once see or take part in the conditions under which we are living you would readily forgive me. I know that you'll be worrying during the interval between the receipt of these last few letters, but, dear, I couldn't help it and that is all that I can say.

I'm feeling fine myself with the exception of a hoarseness in my throat and a tendency to vomit after extra exertion due to an over doze of Hun gas. I didn't get enough of it to do any real harm, and as a matter of fact I got none during his gas bombardments, but it was before, after, and between his numerous "shoots" that I picked up the odd "whiffs". The stuff hangs around for quite a few days afterwards and if one have to pass over the gassed area much he is apt to become affected. That is what happened to me. But I am practically over it now and feeling fine. So, no worrying young lady.

Your letters, dear, have been fine, especially when you had to write under such uncomfortable circumstances. You are without a doubt the best little wife a man ever had. I love you, dear.
Your husband

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